Spectator's Notebook
1 AM not on the whole in favour of five-year plans, but I make an exception for the (second) five-year' plan of the Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind published yesterday. The Society has affiliated organisations in twenty-eight Commonwealth countries and there are at least three million blind people in the Commonwealth. It is good to look back five years and see how many of the early objectives have been achieved. It is good to look forward now and read of the detailed plans for dealing with the chief causes of blindness, and for the essential tasks of re- habilitation, employment and education. But best of all, when so many people write the Common-
Wealth off as a farce or at best a muddle, is it $'1,1, fo see that in this field at least the Common- wealth is giving a true lead to the world. The Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind has my warm congratulations for its second five- Year plan as five years ago in another capacity it had my warm tupport for its first.