Following up recent articles on the occupation of Prussian territory
by Russia and France, the Times of this morning says- " We have positive information, on which the utmost reliance may be placed, that on the 13th instant a large number of Prussian volunteer's, bearing the numbers 4 and 9 on their epaulettes, arrived at Hamburg and Altona, and that on the following day they were enrolled in the insurrection- ary army of Holstein. A considerable detachment of disbanded soldiers was also expected from Hanover, and measures have been taken to transfer to General Willisen's army the officers who recently resigned their commissions in Hesse. In the night of the 14th instant a complete battery of field-guns, with its whole equipage, arrived at Altona from Germany, and proceeded' to the frontiers of Schleswig."
1 am authorized to declare that there is not the slightest truth in the report that France and Russia have come to an understanding to inter- vene by force in the Schleswig question. Id. de Persigny has been in- structed to remonstrate strongly with the Prussian Cabinet against the indirect and almost direct encouragement given by it to the Duchies, and the patronage of General Willisen. The British Cabinet, although anx- ious to avoid the appearance of patronizing Austria in German matters, has approved of the remonstrances of M. de Persigny. Such is the infor- mation given to me here in an official quarter, and I have no reason to doubt its truth.—Paris Correspondent of the Globe.
A telegraphic despatch from Berlin of the 25th instant, in the KOlner Zeitung, states that for the purpose of effecting a junction of the two corps in Thuringia, [and under the treaty rights of Prussia,] the Prussian troops have crossed the Electoral frontier, and that they are marching on the military road which the treaties of 1815 have reserved to Prussia. General Von der Groben, the commander of these troops, is instructed to take extreme measures against any attempt at a foreign intervention.
The Day Hews publishes a document, signed Radowitz, and entitled " Prussian Proposals to Denmark," in which the Prussian Cabinet urges Denmark to deal promptly with the question of pacifying the Duchies, by sending a special plenipotentiary to meet a special commission appointed by Prussia and Vienna in Hamburg or other suitable town, and deliberate on the mode of executing the treaty of peace ratified on the 2d July.
The Giornale di Roma publishes a decree of Cardinal Antonelli, dated the 14th instant, laying a tax upon all persons exercising any art, trade, or branch of commerce whatever.