26 OCTOBER 1850, page 18

Fine Arts,

ILLUSTRATED DITTIES OF THE OLDEN TIME. Tuft charming volume possesses for us a double interest—in its own beauties, and in the remarkable class to which it belongs, of amateur......

Publications Received. Books.

The Ladder of Gold; an En g lish Story. By Robert Bell, Author of " Wayside - Pictures throu g h France, Bel g ium, and Holland," &c. In - three volumes. Poems, Le g endary and......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, October 22. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Evans and Brown, Liverpool, passenger - agents- Jones and Co. Manchester; as far as regards L. Thomas—Jones and Co. Manchester, as......

Military Gazette.

Wsa - orvica, Oct. 22.-3d Regt. Drag. Guards—Cornet A. Hunt to be Lieut. by purchase, vioe Lawson, who retiree. 17th Foot—Lieut. .7. B. Gardiner to be Capt. by purchase, vice......