Sixty-nine clergymen of the Church of England, including six Canons
of Westminster, the Principal of King's College, and the rectors, curates, and ministers of many of the most notable places of Established worship in the Metropolis, yesterday presented to the Bishop of London an ad- dress, asking for counsel under the extraordinary circumstances of the usurpation by a Romish ecclesiastic of the title of Archbishop of the Eng- lish city in which the Sovereigns of England are crowned, the Parlia- ments of England sit, and the laws of England are administered—the city of Westminster. They solemnly protest against this act of religious invasion, of outrage to the British constitution, and of indignity to"the British crown, and crave directions how to vindicate the rights of their church and country. The Bishop expressed his entire concurrence in the sentiments and language, and promised to answer in writing.