The Architect makes a su gg estion to Government on behalf of
the exhi- bitors in the Hyde Park building. " AB from Mr. Paxton's explanations and the arrangements of the Commissioners, the ' Crystal Palace will not, in the first instance, be fire-proof, it will be necessary for the exhibitors to insure; and taking all the circumstances into consideration, we should, from our practical knowledge, say that the offices will not undertake the in- surance under ten shillings per cent. This will be an inevitable expense; but unless provision is made, there will be the further charge of the Govern- ment duty, 3s. per cent. We therefore suggest to the Royal Commissioners, that they should at once apply to the Treasury for a remission of the duty ; which the latter might grant, subject to the introduction of a short bill in the early part of the next session of Parliament. This would be an act of libe- rality and of justice, without subjecting the Government to a loss."