26 OCTOBER 1850, Page 19



3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced Si per Cents Lang Annuities

Bank Stock, 8 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent.

Exchequer Bills, 11d. perstiam

India Bonds, 31 per Omit.






Tuesday A'aines. Murk Friday.


964 9 7 211

71 pm. 89 pm. 5974

961 991 287 Ti 571 97/ 211




971 96 97,1 98 2111 269 67 91

57 975 961 991 211 69 97 1 2111 267 88 FOREIGN FUND S.

(Last Meld Quotation dudes the Week ending Friday Evening.)

— Massachusetts (Sterling)...5 p. Ct

Austrian p . Ct. Belgian 41—


Mexican 6 108!

Ditto — — Michigan

Brazilian —


Buenos Ayres 8 — 58 Missisaippi (Sterling) 6

New Yak (1808) 9 —

1111 Chilian — 1021

Ohio a

108 anish

Pennsylvania 6 82 Hatch (Ex. 12 Guilders) — Ditto — 68 89

Peruvian 41 -

Portuguese 5 -



French — Ditto. 5 -

Ditto 6 —

Russian 11

Indiana (Sterling) a -

731 Spanish 6 —

Illinois s - Ditto a —

Kentucky —

Ditto (Passive)

Louialana (Sterling) a - 90 ex d.

Ditto (Deferred)

Maryland (Sterling) 9 - 90

Venezuela Active


(Last Official Quotation dart ng the Week ending Friday Evening.)

FtilLW■TS- Basis-

Caledonian 81


Edinburgh and Glasgow 261

British North American


Eastern Counties


Great Northern


Commercial of London

Great North of England

London and Westminster

Great South. and West. Ireland.. 351 Loudon Joint Stack


Great Western 701

National of Ireland..

National Provincial 18 Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire 481


Provincial of Ireland Lancaster and Carlisle 62 Union of Australia

London Brighton and South Coast 84 of London

London and Blackwell London and North-western 1177t



Midland 421

Itraellian l

North British 7

Ditto (St. Jo del Rey) ......

141 South-eastern and Dover 201 Cobre Copper 33 South-western 0.11


York, Newcastle, and Berwick 17 Australian Agricultural 151 York and North Midland 23

Canada 40

General Steam 27 - ot and West India &r 142

Peninsular and Oriental Steam..


London 1211

Royal Mail Steam 88 ex d.

St. Katherine


South A.ustrallan 201 BANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 19th day of Oct. IMO.

teerz PinlILTIERAS.

Notes Waal t23,443,965

Government Debt £11,015,100

Other Securities


Gold Coin and Bullion 15,331,=5

Miser Bunion /12,740




Proprietors' Capital £14,443,000 Government Securities.



3,104 a 40

cluding Dead Weight Annuity) L14,228&01 Public Deposits'


Other Securities 10,773.515 Other Deposits 9,550,613 Notes 5,304,195 Seven Day and other Bills 1,383,932 Gold and Silver Coin 571,140


£38,876,781 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Comndasionersof National Debt, &Dividend Meta BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard £3 17 9 Copper, Britt& Cakes MA

Foreign Goldin Coln,Portngal Pieces 0 0 9 Iron, British Bars .... 6 10 0 .. 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 101 Lead, British Big 17 10 0 .. 0 0 0 Sliver in Bars, Standard ..... ....... 0 6 0 Steel, Swedish Keg 13 15 0 .. 16

0 0-

GRAIN. Mark Lane, Oct. 25.

Wheat, R.New 361038 Rye 26 to 28 Maple 31 toM On ts, Feed .. 16 to 18 Pine 38 —42 Barley 19 —21 White .... —26 Fine .. 18-17 Old 38 —40 Malting ... 25-26 Boilers 30-31 Poland ... 18-19 White 40-41 Malt, Ord. .. 48-30

Beans, Ticks. 25 — 26

Fine .. 19-20 Fine 41-43 Fine 60 —51 Old 26 —28 Potato . 20-21 Super. New. 44 —48

.'eau, Holt. • • • 18-29

Indian Corn. 28 —30 Fine .. 21-23 7d.

7 6 GROCERIES. Tea, Babe*, fine... per lb ' 0.. ld. to Os. Si. Congou, fine 1 4 — 1 Bourbons, fine 1 3 — 2 • In Bond—Duty 2s. Id. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt. 66.. to 106.. Good Ordinary 48 — 49.. dd. Sugar, Muscovado, per eat 29s. 7d. West India Molasses la.. W. to Lis. 6d, OILS. COALS, CANDLES.

Rape OB. per cwt £1 17 Seined 1 18 Linseed Oil 1 12 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 10 0 Candles, per dozen, 4s. 641. to Ca. M. Moulds (6d. per dor. discount) 7s. Od.

Coals, Hettun le Tees 18 8

0 0 0 0


ITVWCari sacs Serrertu.n.•

a. d. s. d. a. d. s. d.

Beef .. 2 4 to 2 toi l 14103 4 to 3 10 Mutton 2 — 3 1 — 3 4 8 4 — 3 8 — 0 Veal .. 2 4 — 3 —II 8 2 4 — 8 4 — 3 8 Pork .. 8 0—II —4 0 3 4-3 8 — 4 2 Lamb.. 0 0 — 0 —0 0 0 0 — 0 0 — 0 0 • To sink the offal, per 8 lb.

Here or Carets LT Sesernetzru.

Friday. Monday.

Beasts . 1,118 6,329 Sheep . 4,630 27,730 Calves. 817 213 Pigs... 680 800 HOPS.

Heat Pockets 60e. to 924.

Choice ditto 90 147 Sussex ditto 88 78 Farnham ditto 90 128


Down and half-bred Bogs per lb. 12d. to Ind. Wether and Ewe II — In Leicester Basset and Welber 111 — 0 Fine Combing 10/ FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 40s. to 43s.

Seconds 37 — 40 Ease: and Suffolk, on board ship 32 — 34 Norfolk and Stockton 30 32 American per barrel 22 — 24 Canadian 21 — 23 Bread, 6d. to 7d. the 41b. loaf. PROVISIONS

Butter—Best Fresh, 12s. Od. per doz. Carlow, 41. Os. to 41. 4s. per ewe

Bacon, Irish .per cwt. 48s. to SOL Cheese, Cheshire 42 60 Derby Plain 44 — at

Sams, York 60 — 76

Eggs, French, per 120, Az Od. to 64.6d. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN.

Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.

Wheat 4 Is. 103. Rye 26s. 6d.

Barley .... 24 4 Beans 29 6 Oats 16 11 Peas 29 9 WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending Oct. 19.

Wheat 39.. 10d. Rye 28s.

Barley 24 2 Beaus 29 Outs 16 7 Peas ... 29 Ray, Good

Inferior New Clover

Wheat Straw

HAY AND STRAW. (PerLoad of 38 Trusses.) CCIIIIIRIAMD. 8211173PliLD. Wirsznenargn.

76s. to 784. 7ffi. to 076s. &Into 7131.

65 85 60 — 0 0 — 0

o o 0— 0 0— 0

78 84 82 —84 88 —78 24 28 21 — 27 10 — 21