fortigu Euh Cutunial.
FRaNce.—There has been a Ministerial crisis in Paris, notable both in its gestation and produce. An article in the Constitutionnel of Saturday, entitled General Changarnier," attracted much attention, from the ru- mours which preceded it, and from its own peculiar tone. It waa whis- pered during most of last week, that Dr. Louis Veron, the proprietor of the Constitutionnel, was elaborating a manifesto "on General Changar- nier" ; a performance which should chive him into the daylight of public opinion with plain declarations on the absorbing topic of the day, whether or not the President's powers shall be prolonged beyond the four years of his elected office. The article appeared ; it turned out to be a sustained eulogy on General Changarnier, with obvious hints that he is bound both by honour and interest to support the hand which placed him in his high position; and with an offer, generally deemed as unambiguous as it could be while still unofficial, to sacrifice his personal opponent, General d'Haut- poul, the Minister of War, as the price of his adherence to the Presi- dent's cause.
"Everything is now known," wrote Dr. Veron : "it is publicly notorious that a disagreement has arisen between General Changarnier and the Minis- ter of War. Some are pleased to attribute this fact to puerile causes; but, in our opinion, it has a very serious cause. General d'Hautpoul, in his ar- dour to do well, appears to study anew all our military institutions, like cer- tain remand who entertain the to ambition of remodelling science. It ap- pears to us that the General-in-chief of the Army of Paris does not, on the contrary, occupy himself, in the difficult times through which we pass, but with the apirit of discipline, the welfare and the efficacy of our regiments. General Changarnier wishes to preserve and maintain ; the Minister of War i
only thinks of remaking and innovating. It is not two enemies who are in presence, but two systems which oppose each other. This struggle between two convictions has its inconveniences and its dangers; and while showing itself grateful for the zeal and good offices of General d'Hautpoul, the Exe- cutive Power may, without its appearing as a disgrace, declare itself against the one of these two systems which appears to be the least in harmony with the practical wisdom and the skilful prudence of his Government. To sum up—General Changarnier holds from Louis Napoleon Bonaparte the great com- mand he possesses ; his honour is the guarantee for the use he will make of it. Between the President of the Republic and General Changarnier there is a mutuality of feeling and of danger. It is for that reason that we do not fear to say that General Changarnier, who already counts more than one service rendered, will powerfully assist the President of the Republic in saving France, society, and civilization." During all the beginning of the week, the " Veron manifesto" was canvassed by the organs of the various political parties. The AssembUe Nationale, which is said to represent more closely than any other journal the opinions of General Changarnier, seemed "radiant with satisfaction" ; it declared the article "a serious step upon the ground of reconciliation" —a "pledge to the national representation "—" no doubt the signal of a new policy, which will dedicate itself much more to the interests and future of the country than to personal calculations." Nevertheless, Ge- neral Changarnier himself relaxed not one whit of his political taciturnity. Dr. Veron and the rest of the public remained as ignorant of his motives, and of his especial intentions on the points mooted, as before. It was stated, indeed, that the General made the article the ostensible cause of a more profound mystery than ever—implying offence at the implied doubts ; and that he made a sarcastic "mot" on Dr. Veron himself,— pretending to inquire, in ignorance " Qu'est ce veut ce pharma- Men ?"—as if he were apothecary, instead of doctor of medicine. The denouement, on Wednesday, was therefore unexpected. The Moniteur of that day announced the appointment of " the General of Di- vision de Schramm, (Jean Paul Adam;) President of the Infantry Com- mittee, to be Minister of War, in the room of General d'Hautpoul, whose resignation has been accepted" ; and it further announced the appoint- ment of "the General of Division d'Hautpoul, (Alphonse Henry Repre- sentative of the People," to be "temporary Governor-Gene of Al- geria, in the room of General Charon, appointed to other functions." After the first hours of surprise, speculation was rife on the bearing of the Ministerial change : at first it was regarded as an unconditional sur- render of the President to General Changarnier, and conversely as an infinite accession to the General's dignity and power : in the view of the correspondent of the Daily News, however, the "apparent victory " is estimated as a "real weakening " a that important personage— "In the firstplace, the translation of General d'Hautpoul to the Gover- norship of Algiers is precisely what the Ex-Minister has been continually soliciting. Not only is the new post highly lucrative and powerful, but it is exactly adapted to the tastes of General d Hautpoul ; who gains a fair field for the introduction of those endless innovations into the army which stir so many objections and discontents at home. Thus the removal of General d'Hautpoul is no disgrace; while it disarms General Changarnier of all pre- text for waging that petty war of opposition on points of military form and discipline which made him figure as an important personage in the eyes of his subordinate officers, and kept up his prestige by a series of small triumphs over the Government. The new Minister of War, General Schramm, is just ust the sort of man to turn the edge of General Changarnier's opposition : for no man is better versed in all the traditions of the War Office ; on a dis- puted point he is certain to be in the right ; he is too old an officer to duck to an upstart, however imperious; and he is a decided Bonapartist. . . . . On the whole this appointment must be regarded as an important step gained by. Louis Napoleon. Under the specious mask of a personal sa- tisfaction to the Commander-in-chief of Paris, a Minister of more weight and tact, equally devoted to the President, has replaced General d'Hautpoul. Changarnier' having no longer any pretext for his boutedes of insolence, will be reduced to a passive part, which will undermine much of his im- portance. He will grow daily better friends with the President ; and in all probability., and on the pretext of avoiding conflicts, he will, as he did in the matter of the dotation, step in at the eleventh hour to procure from the As- sembly the prolongation of the powers of Louis Napoleon."
The decree of the Moniteur appoints General d'Hautpoul as temporary Governor of the African colony. The meaning of this is, that no Repre- sentative of the People can receive a mission which detains him more than six months away from the legislative sittings. General d'Hautpoul will therefore have to return within that period to Paris, and will at the expiration of six months receive a fresh lease of office.
It is stated in well-informed quarters that there is no intention of moot- ing the question of the revision of the Constitution until after May 1851, the period prescribed by the Constitution itself. If such be the case, no- thing can be said against the legality of the measure.—Correspondent of the Times.
The Dacia announces two new works with significant titles from the pen of M. Guizot, to be published at the end of this month. The first is entitled " Monk ; Fall of the Republic, and Reestablishment of the Monarchy in England, in 1660." The second is " Washington ; Founda- tion of the Republic of the United States of America."
GEEMANY.—Though apparently with a slight recession, political mat- ters in Hesse-Cassel are said to remain in the same position of uncer- tainty, with rather improved prospects for Constitutionalism : perhaps the actual gain to Constitutionalism is that the Elector has simply paused. M.
Ewers, whose second visit to the Elector with hopes of superseding
M. Hassenpfiug we mentioned last week, was f soon dismissed—
his terms could not be stomached ; but it is said that he has been sum- moned yet a third time ; so the fallen hopes again rose. In addition, it is reported, both from Wilhelmsbad and from Berlin, that the Elector has written to the King of Prussia for advice—" cordial advice " ; and the Prussian reports complete the intelligence by placing an answer in the mouth of the Prussian Ministry, which counsels the dismissal of the un- popular Hassenpflug, and then, not submission to the States, but a re- ference of the matter to arbitration. Of course the arbiters could only be Prussia and Austria, with perhaps Bavaria and another state of the Confederation, for German decency's sake. The rumours that an "un- derstanding" has been come to, between Austria and Prussia, on this question, are connected with the present visit of the young Emperor to Bregenz, in the Tyrol ; where he is met by the Kings of Bavaria and Wurtemburg, and the Plenipotentiaries of Prussia and Russia.
UNITED STATES.—The advices from New York extend to the 12th in- stant. The subject engaging most attention in the Northern States of the Union is that of the proceedings of the Southern owners of slaves es- caped and resident in the North. From the picturesque accounts of the London daily journals one would suppose that a very terrible excitement, threatening general resistance to the civil power, and even a levying of war against the aggressive South, is already on foot. Meetings have been held at which violent speeches were made, especially by Negroes—many speeches, indeed, which went to a ludicrous extreme in melodramatic style and mode of delivery : but the Leading Journal follows its enu- meration of the highly-coloured incidents with remark—" Appa- rently, no worse result was expected than an impro'vement in the police, which at Philadelphia and other cities of the Union is scanty and in efficient" Our own files of the American papers do not portray matters as at all startling. It was stated last week that a vast number of slaves
were flying to the Canadian frontier—Frederick Do u among the number ; but this statement is now modified, and the explanation is given that neither are the Southern men so incautious as to propose public seizures in the old Pilgrim States, nor will any escaped slaves there need to do anything more than provide for their ransom at moderate and even nominal sums. It is said that Frederick Douglas has already been "paid for "; and that subscriptions have already been raised in New York for the redemption of more than forty other escaped slaves there resident
BEMSN GIIIANA.—The advocates of self-government in the colony of British Guiana have had their energies stimulated by the tone of an official correspondence between the local and the home authorities, which the Governor laid before the Court of Policy on the 18th September. It would seem from papers extending to the 27th September, that Governor Barkly had represented to Earl Grey that "four-fifths of the community are opposed to reform," but that he and Earl Grey had propounded, and in some sort agreed upon, a plan of reform which would "simply enlarge the College of Electors by a number not named," and "limit the term of service of the members to a period not specified." "An additional plan, put forward as a possibility by Governor Darkly, is the assumption into the Court of Policy of the Mayor of Georgetown, as a sort of ex officio elective member ; a change of the qualification of the elective members of that Court; and the increase of the number of Financial Representa- tives from six to ten."
On the publication of these proposals, a special committee of the Re- form Association considered them, and unanimously refused their sane. tion. They drew up a memorial to the Governor and Court of Polity, praying them " not to sanction any measures " founded on them ; " but on the contrary," to " altogether abstain from legislation in connexion with the subject of constitutional reform, until your Excellency and ho- nourable Court shall be prepared to adopt as the main principle and ob- ject of such legislation, the substitution for the existing legislative insti- tutions of this colony of an Elective Council and House of Assembly, based on a system of full, free, and direct popular representation." At the same time, the Committee of the Association issued an address to the colonists, justifying this step, and stating at large their views on the offi- cial correspondence with the Colonial Office, and on the minute with which the Governor accompanied it on laying it before the Court of Policy. Their address clearly and succinctly sums up the reasons against the proposals-
" Firstly, The Governor will still preside both in the Court of Policy and the Combined Court ; and thus the well-known and moat objectionable in- fluence which he commands by his position in this respect will be altoge- ther unimpaired.
" Secondly, He will still, in the Court of Policy, possess the power of pro- hibiting the introduction or stopping the progress of any measure whatso- ever. "Thirdly, Even if the elective section of the Court of Policy should be increased to six, the Governor's double vote (for he has two voices—see Plan of Redress-staid net a elating-, te) will still enable him, with the assist- ance of the four other official members, to prevent the elective section from carrying any measure moved by them, of which he may not choose, on his own responsibility, to prohibit the introduction or stop the progress. "Fourthly, This addition of a mere unit does not affect the advantage which the Governor derives from the smallness of the entire number of the Court, and which—the official section being always at his command—he would, in case of the absence or defection of a single elective member, still possess, of commanding a majority. "Fifthly, The right which the Governor undoubtedly has, of at any time adjourning the Court of Policy either for a definite penod or sine die,—and the enormous amount of power involved in which requires no comment to make it obvious,—will not be affected by the changes suggested.
"Sixthly, No change is proposed in that indefensible practice of the Cou# of Policy of sitting with closed doors ; a practice which, to say nothing df its many ether evil results, shields individual members from public respon- sibility for their votes and acts. "Seventhly, As regards the Combined Court, if the number of Financial Representatives, instead of being increased by four, were increased fiftyfold, the Governor—still claiming the veto, and still possessing the /rawer. prac- tically to enforce that veto, (however his exercise of it may be resisted,) either by adjourning the Court for such period as may suit his own purpose, or by adjourning it sine die, and reassembling it when most convenient for his designs—would possess the same unlimited power as he now wields, of thwarting the views of the Colonial members, and of ultimately working out his own earls.
"In short, the slightest reflection makes it perfectly evident, that while the changes suggested by Earl Grey and by his Excellency the Governor are intended to assume an appearance of liberal progress, they leave altogether untouched the most striking evils of our present system, and especially the practically absolute dominion which the Governor has it in his power at all times to exercise over the legislative and financial institutions of the colony."
Upon these grounds, they justify the rejection in toto of the Governor's plans; but at the same time, they recapitulate the "advantages of the Reform movement if the Governor should carry his plans into exe- cution." The recapitulation affords one a forecast of the character which the news from this colony will bear for some considerable period of the future.
"If we have a new College of Electors, a new qualification for members of the Court of Policy, the Mayor of Georgetown as an additional member of the Court, and four additional. Financial Representatives, there must be a dissolution of the present College of Electors. Let the Reformers elect, as they have it in their power even with the present franchise to elect, every new member : with this change in the College of Electors, there must be a new election of members of the Court of Policy ; with all the electors Re- formers, and with a change in the qualification, we will also have five of the ablest of the Reform leaders members of the Court, while the Mayor of Georgetown, s the sixth, is sure to be on the Liberal side : there must be dissolution of the College of Financial Representatives—the Reform voters will elect ten Reformers for their new Representatives ; and though all this may not give to the Reformers the power to enforce their demands in op- position to the overpowering force at the command of the Governor, still it will in no way better his position, and will most strikingly denote the strength and the unanimity of the popular feeling in favour of thorough reform."
NEW Solna WALES. —The latest papers received from Sydney, (which are but scattered numbers of the file, however,) reach to the 1st of August. They communicate the significant fact that Dr. Lang has carried his election for the capital, as its representative in the Legislative Council: he polled 970 votes to the 945 votes polled by his opponent, Mr. Hidden.
Cauca.—The fuller accounts added this week to the telegraphic an- nouncement which last week anticipated the Indian mail, do not contain more than one marked feature of intelligence. The China OVIrland Marl has a statement that "the province of Kwang-si [in the South] is at pre- sent the theatre of a serious outbreak ; but whether on the part of the =subdued tribes, or of the banditti who infest its borders, is not very clearly ascertained." Kwang-si contains many tribes, or more properly Junall nations, which have to this day maintained a quasi independence of the present Mantchoo dynasty ; and for some years past there have been extensive bodies of men there in open warfare with the Pekin Govern- ment These " rebels," as the Chinese officials call them, have lately ob- tained important advantages over the Imperial troops, and have in con- sequence vastly increased their own numbers. They are said to be .50,000 strong, and to be skilfully guided by Lei-tseng-pang, who assumes the title borne by the highest Tartar generals, and declares himself to be " commissioned by Heaven to exterminate the Tsing (the present Man- tchoo) and to restore the Ming (the former Chinese) dynasty." It is said that strong parties of his advanced guard have entered Kwang-tung, and approached within a hundred miles of Canton.
Some months since we gave an extract from a letter by the Hongkong correspondent of the Day News, on the changes working in the great social fabric of the Chinese nation : the same correspondent sends now, -under date the 24th August, some further facts and speculations of par- ticular interest in connexion with this military movement "I informed you of the circumstances of the present Emperor's elevation to the Celestial throne, and also gave you the opinions and projects enter- tained by the Emperor and his Ministers. The information then given has been proved correct. The position of Keying, his presumption, his offence to the new Monarch, and his disgrace, were faithfully narrated. The hinted advance of the literati, the general dissatisfaction prevalent in China, and the demand for reform, are now manifesting themselves. The principles of Socialism are progressing, and the day is rapidly approaching when civil strife shall have torn the empire in pieces. A prophecy, or rather a pre- ' diction, encouraged by the literati, has gained ground amongst the higher classes at Pekin, that the fortyseighthyearot the present cycle will be ushered in (February 1, 1851) with a change in the dynasty whichnow with an iron band rules the destinies of the empire Such an issue is not improbable ; at all events, it is very generally believed at Pekin, as I learn from trust- worthy sources. The signs of the times indicate that this great revolution is nearer at hand than the period above noted. Already the hydra-beaded monster rebellion has raised its head—the work of revolution has begun in the province of Kwang-si, in the vicinity of twang-tung, in which Canton is situated •, and it is understood amongst the literati that the present is merely a demonstration to ascertain the feelings of the mass, and to provoke inquiry into the position and prospects of the existing Go- vernment. Indeed, it is said the rebels have reached to within a hundred miles of Canton, carrying all before them. The party put for- ward as generalisaimo is named Lei-tseng-pang; and no secret is made that the object of the movement is to dethrone the reigning Monarch, and to establish a native or Christian dynasty. The Chinese authorities ' have attempted to grapple with the rebellion in vain ; it makes way despite ' all their efforts, and several officers of moderate distinction have fallen in the conflicts. The programs of the insurgents is marked by plunder, originating with the rabble—Socialists in the wider sense of the Republique Rouge ; who are not encouraged by the literati. This movement has been foreseen for months ; it was first outwardly displayed at the new year in February last ; and for not having successfully checked it in the bud, Sue, the Impe- rial Commissioner at Canton, has been degraded by the loss of four steps. To stem the current is almost impossible ; it is daily acquiring strength, and the Tartar Monarch must either yield reform or descend from his imperial dignity. From an accredited source I learn that clubs are being formed in the various provinces of the empire, which in principle, object, and mode of action, resemble the great political unions so intimidative to the Ministry on the cry of Reform in England : it is also said that an oath is taken by the members abjuring the Tang dynasty, and binding all to the accomplishment of the design."