The Times' correspondent with Sir Neville Chamberlain's Mission describes the
interview between Major Cavagnari and the Afghan commandant at Ali Musjeed, and from his account it is evident that no insult was offered to us. We did, however, grant, as we thought, a distinct pledge to the section of the Afreedee sept whom we popularly call Khyberees. He says :—" Before leaving, Sir Neville summoned the headmen of the friendly Khyber tribes, and thanked them for their assistance. One of them said, What are we to do if the Ameer attacks us ?' Sir Neville replied, I promise you this, not from myself only, but from the Government, which, as you know, always keeps its promises, that as long as a soldier remains in the ranks, and a rupee in the Treasury, you shall suffer no harm for the good service you have done." The promise must., of course, be kept, even if rashly made ; but we are assured this can be done without invading Afghanistan. We can defend the Afreedee bills, or move the clan to hills of our own. The Times intimates that Sir Neville Chamberlain was wholly opposed to the advance of the Mission before Gholam Hussein Khan returned, but he was overruled.