The Times' Correspondent With Sir Neville Chamberlain's...
interview between Major Cavagnari and the Afghan commandant at Ali Musjeed, and from his account it is evident that no insult was offered to us. We did, however, grant, as we......
Lord Lawrence Has Addressed Another Most Able Letter To The
Daily News, protesting against the war altogether. He believes that invasion will produce a violent and bloody struggle, which would end in the deposition of Shere Ali, and......
The Cost Of This Needless Afghan War Will Be Very
great. Ex- penditure in war depends mainly upon the time consumed, and it is difficult to see how the conquest is to be completed in leas than two years. The army of invasion......
Why Is The Government Keeping Back The Afghan Papers ?
It promised those relating to Sir Louis Telly's negotiations ; and there are papers of vital importance, in which Lord Northbrook rejects the advice of Sir Bartle Frere to......
News Of The Week.
A LL the papers have received telegrams from India stating that the reply brought from Cabul by the British Envoy, Gholam Hussein Khan, is unsatisfactory and unconciliatory ;......
Sir Stafford Northcote Denies That He Has Been Stumping The
Midland Counties this week on behalf of the Government, so we must assume that he has not been stumping them, but only going through one or two of them, making as many speeches......