Occasional Sermons, preached before the University of Cambridge, and elsewhere.
With an Appendix of Hymns. By Benjamin Hall Kennedy, D.D. (Bell and Sons.)—The sermons contained in this volume are, for the most part, considerably above the average of similar productions. They are not all of equal value ; seme, as those upon the Gorham con- troversy and the death of Prince Albert, have lost any interest they may have originally possessed, through lapse of time. But others will well repay perusal. They are written in a large and liberal spirit, and with marked freedom from party prejudice. The sermon on " The Interpretation of the Bible " is a calm but earnest protest against false and dishonest translation and quotation, and well explains and enforces the duty of faithful criticism. Two assize sermons, on the trial of Jesus and the character of Pilate, contrast with the flagrant dishonesty of Jewish tribunals the general fairness of English trials and the unquestioned integrity of English Judges. The discourse on "The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity " should be read alike, by those who do and those who do not desire to treat this great mystery in a devout, yet charitable spirit. It marks a large advance in liberal opinion that a preacher, speaking before the University of Cambridge, could boldly express his disapproval of the enforced use of the pseudo-Athanasian hymn. " The Safeguards of Christian Boyhood " is an admirable model of what a public-school sermon should be ; plain, terse, and affectionate The Psalm and Hymns which close the volume are scarcely worthy of the place assigned to them. If they do not fall below the ordinary standard of modern hymn-writers, they do not rise so far above it as• to claim especial comment.