TORD SPENCER on Thursday made a speech at Stockton, 4 which was remarkable because it does contain one hint as to the substance of the next Home-role Bill. He said, while speaking of the birth of the former Bill, and of the dislike of Irishmen to sit in Westminster, " it seemed, therefore, inevitable that the Irish must be retained in the English Parliament. 'There seemed to be no middle course between total exclusion or retaining them as they were now in Westminster." The British are not to govern Ireland, but Irishmen are to govern Britain; are, in fact, to tax as, though they will not represent us. We could not submit to a greater humiliation if we had been conquered. It looks very much as if Mr. Gladstone adhered to his Bill and intended to reintroduce it, with some modifications as to finance, all directed against England, and with 105 Irish Members to vote down the majority in England and Scotland.