At The Assembly Rooms In The Belle Vue Gardens, Man-
chester, Mr. Balfour on Saturday last addressed an audience reckoned to consist of some ten or twelve thousand persons. Earlier in the day he presented a requisition to Mr.......
Great Expectations Had Been Formed As To A Speech To
be 'delivered by Mr. Gladstone at Southport. It was said that a council of his colleagues had been held at Hawarden, and that he had decided to say something of importance,......
To The Question : Has The Irish Policy Of The
Government been a success P—Mr. Balfour gave no uncertain answer. " Every expectation which in my most sanguine moments I ever ventured to frame with regard to the results, the......
• ** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In
any ease.......
Mr. Labouchere Has Been Stamping Scotland For The Last Few
days, saying always the same things,—that the people are Radical, that there will be a Radical majority at the elections, that then there must be a Radical Ministry, and that a......
News Of The Week.
T ORD SPENCER on Thursday made a speech at Stockton, 4 which was remarkable because it does contain one hint as to the substance of the next Home-role Bill. He said, while......
Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, November 2nd, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT.......