pro THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOP..".1 Stn,—The nuisance caused to many inoffensive citizens by the intrusion of undesired correspondents is becoming almost intolerable. Many hours a week are spent in opening and glancing at letters three-fourths of which go straight into the waste-paper basket. But would it not be possible to protect us from impertinences such as have reached me by this day's pestP Here is a big document called " —'s Totalisator on the Cesarewitch and the Cambridgeshire to win and 1, 2, 3; also the double event to win and 1, 2, 3." It comes from —, Flushing, but has been posted at St. Leonards. Is this because the Flushing postmark has become already too well known, and letters hearing it are liable to be stopped on arrival in England ? This most generous —, who is so anxious to make my fortune in the Cesarewitch and the Cambridgeshire, actually forwards me two copies of his precious "Totalisator" with addressed (but not stamped) envelopes enclosed. There is a note inside each : " If not delivered, return to —, St. Leonards-on-Sea." Which watering-place—Flushing or St. Leonards—is really honoured by the presence of this Mr. — P The same post brings me a letter from —, of — Street, London, most kindly informing me that he is in a position to put "cash" (amount not stated) at my disposal upon note of hand at from fifteen to twenty-five per cent. interest per annum. This kind of letter is of very frequent occurrence ; hardly ever does a week pass without bringing me a specimen. How is it possible to convey to these officious friends that we have no desire for their racing-tips or their generous financial help ? It is civilisation that has brought all these annoyances upon us. I am confident that we were not eo pestered in the palaeolithic age. Civilisation ought also to discover th•