26 OCTOBER 1907, page 17

A Plea For Reasonable Socialism.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—Mr. Asquith, having a legali3 trained mind, suggests the desirability of defining what we mean by " Socialism." At present this......

A Needed Reform In Indian Administration.

[To rim EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR "] SIE,—It is an axiom, and on the whole a true one, that we rule India more by the force of moral justice than by the force of arms. This being......

Lto Thi Editor Op Tun •, Seseraton.“) Six, — Your Article...

week ' s Spectator on " Socialism and Sex Relations " suggests that the opinions you quote are peculiar to the Socialist school. The following words in Mr. Lecky ' s " European......

[to The Editor Of The"spectator."] Sir,—in Connexion With...

correspondence, the follow- ing sayings of Jewish Rabbis may interest your readers. They are taken from the " Ethics of the Fathers," a collection of moral precepts whioh were......

Christianity And Socialism.

[TO THE EDITOR OP TUB "SPECTATOR."] SlIti—I13 it not a fact that one of the chief causes, if not the sole cause, of the present tendency amongst earnest Christian people to......