26 OCTOBER 1929, Page 1

Thereupon much feeling which had been below the surface surged

up and in the end caused the fortuitous combination which put the Government in a minority. M. Briand was asked whether it was or was not true that the evacuation of the Rhineland was dependent upon the mobilization of the first part of the unconditional annuities .under the Young Plan. Much play was Made with a stateiherit attributed to M: Maginot, the Minister for the Colonies. He Was reported to have said 'that there would be no evacuatiOn of the last zone till Germany had ratified this mobilization. Did M. Briand support or repudiate his colleague ? M. Briand would give no absolute answer. It was necessary, he repeated several times, tlet the Chamber should wait for the Agreements. How could he represent France successfully in foreign affairs if such a premature debate as was proposed created, as it certainly would, an atmosphere of extreme uncertainty.? He must have the confidence of the Chattiber.' Without= it' he etnAil hot • • -