Country Life A Perfect Farbf.
I spent a good part of two days last week on a Berkshire farm, which is to my mind one of the best examples in Britain 'of the recovery of half derelict land to high farming. A......
More Migrant Fish Several Inquiries Have Reached Me About...
marked fish, especially sea trout, whose migrations are being especially . studied at the moment in North Britain ; and some more details may be given. Great numbers have been......
Weeding By Insects.
To give another instance. The control of weeds by help of insects has become a regular practice. A beetle that feeds on the blackberry, a weevil that feeds on the gorse, a......
The Study Of Scales Iii Both Salmon And Trout Is
still producing results, and a few experts can now read the life of a salmon in considerable detail merely from a microscopic examination of the scales. A side line of enquiry......
• Now For The Reverse Of The Medal. The Wheat
yielded no less than seven quarters to the acre ; and experts who inspected the samples described them as scarcely inferior to Manitoba No. 1. Even at the wretched price of 44s.......
The Best Apple?
Which is the best apple ? In a symposium on this pertinent question an Australian plumped for "Jonathan," an apple that is not grown in England. It claims a certain pre-......
The Very Last Rows Of Potatoes From A Field Of
over thirty acres were being put into clamps, which pretty well encircled the field. The crop was good, the quantity good ; but at present prices each acre would show a loss of......
Fertilized Rubbish.
The science of culture grows faster, perhaps, than most of us realize. The best of modern instances, that begin to benefit the smallest gardener as well as the largest farmer,......