[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —The admirable article you
published on the pernicious Mui Tsai system in the Colony of Hong-Kong gave a most accurate picture of the situation. From other quarters we receive news of a tendency to reopen discussion on the merits and demerits of the system. This is surely beside the point.
The whole matter was minutely investigated during the years 1920-1922, and its abolition was ordered as being totally contrary to the principles of British law and justice. The point at this juncture is that the Ordinance drawn up to end the slavery has never been enforced, very largely owing to the fact that the portion of it which provided the machinery for carrying out the law was not, and has not to this day, been passed.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Lieut.-Commander, R.N. (Retired). 5 Sydney Buildings, Bath.