Professor Tout We regret to record the death of Professor
T. F. Tout, the medieval historian of world-wide fame. His career was largely shaped by the development of the Owens College into the University of Manchester. All that he did to help to nurture the sapling into the full-grown tree was done with that enthusiasm which in some of the great " provincial " cities has a special quality of ardent local patriotism. It was a wonder that with all his scrupulous care for the routine details of teaching, his plotting and 'planning of the development of University education in Manchester, and his unwearying labour fOr the formation of a great library, he could still find time for the higher art and science of the historian. Some of his friends thought that his genius must be suffocated by the routine. But it was not. The existence of his admirable Volumes on English administration in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries is the proof. The fifth volume was virtually finished before his death.