The Fellowship of Freedom and Reform is the somewhat grandiloquent
title of a body partly supported by the Licensed Trade who are engaged on the commendable enterprise of im- proving our public-houses. Their pamphlet, The Improved Publie House, is to be obtained at the price of one shilling from the Fellowship, at St. Stephen's House, Westminster ; and it contains some excellent photographs and much encouraging information of the progress being made in the provision of places where food and other amenities are obtainable as well as drink. We welcome all such efforts of the Drink Trade to reform itself, but cannot believe that they can succeed ; for the Trade exists to supply a demand for alcoholic refreshment, and will never attempt to curtail that demand. The skittle-alleys, billiard-tables, gardens, concerts and other attractions provided by the new public-house are all civilizing influences, and good in their way, and well described in this pamphlet ; but we shall never obtain the needed reforms on the requisite scale while the supply of stimulants remains in the hands of those who directly profit thereby.