Treasure Island was the favourite reading of Princess Mary as
a child, as it also was of the Prince of Wales. She was a better rider than her brother, she was expert at "gym.," she drank hot milk at seven in the morning, ate porridge fox breakfast—and so on. Miss Evelyn Graham's Princess Mary, Viscountess Lascelles (Hutchinson, 7s. 6d.), is sure of a large
sale, for it is simple, unaffected, and, considering the divinity that doth hedge a king, extremely well done ; that is to say, it gives us a great deal of information about our well-loved Royal family without making them appear ridiculous. "Why don't you rock him ? " asked His Majesty the King, one day, in his daughter's nursery, noticing that his godson was crying. Very respectfully the nurse pointed out that modem nursery science forbids the rocking of young infants. "But they like it," said the King, with his usual common sense.
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