The Public School System The comments of Mr. Claude Elliott,
headmaster Of Eton, on the new methods which are being tried at Gordonstoun School show him as one of those masters fully alive to the problems which have been raised by so many recent critics of the public school system. One problem is to hit the happy mean between excess of control, which tends to check individuality, and excess of liberty which may lead to abuses in the opposite direction. An even more difficult problem which he recognizes is that of dealing with boys who are neither exceptional scholars nor exceptional athletes, and may be led by boredom or abhorrence of a system based on the cult of scholarship or athleticism to a sense of com- plete frustration in life. Mr. Elliott did not himself suggest a solution, but he was able to point to the extremely interesting experiments which are being made at Gordonstoun, and have for their object, as Mr. Hahn explained, to make the school a part of the community in which it was placed."