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MR. RUNCIMAN AND THE 13:kNIES. In an article which appears to-day in the Financial Supplement I have dealt with the relations between the banks and the public, with special......
Central .electricity Issue.
Quite the outstanding feature of recent capital flotations has been the great success which attended the issue of Central Electricity Board Stock. The verylarge amount of......
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NEW CAPITAL ACTIVITY. It is probable, indeed, that the attraction of possible premiums on new issues of capital has played its part in diverting speculative activity in existing......
Financial Notes
BRITISH FUNDS FIRM. Duruxo the past week general business in the Stoek.Markets has again been of a somewhat restricted character, so far, at all events, as the speculative and......
United Dairies.
An excellent report has just been published by United Dairies, Limited. Last year there was a slight decline in the net profit, but for the year ended June 30th last the net......