"The Spectator" Crossword No. 109
[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of fire correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelo-pe, will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue.] _
ACROSS 1. There's no cruise for depres- sion in this state.
11. Swift name for a human being.
13. Solutions came easily to him.
15. Assumption it is true before it is.
17. Nothing is changed for we within a third of 15.
18. Often a royal decoration.
19. An arrowless quiver.
22. Animal hidden in 15, 19, 31.
23. Tree growing round about a border.
24. Tea would maho us damp, no doubt.
25. Give play to.
27. Derivation from a city is necessary, though not necessary to be this.
29. " I fetch my life and being From men of royal ... Othello.
31. Rope 23 to land and it will. be this.
32. Filthy, yet we all accede to it.
33. Like their first syllable, no use out of water.
35. Convey.
36. Sweetly sticky-but not sen- timental.
DOWN 1. Boy-helper. (Anag.) 2. Why before- the indication mark ?
3. Granular limestone.
4. Take away the head of 14, append here, and you'll have to pay cash before you'll get it. 5. Man cannot live without it; no sooner fulfilled than it becomes unnecessary.
6. Vehement impulse.
7. Death will do this for us.
8. I must come between if there is to be peace granted.
9. Confused acknowledgement of debt.
10. What Dogberry wanted writ down.
12. Of the quality of a hero- literarily. 14. Follow 4's first direction and there will be hot dis- pleasure.
16. In following 14 this is just - what you will do to its word.- -
17. Name for a bad painter.
20. Ship's Captain (slang). 21. A cause of musical vibration. 26. Cut end of felled tree.
28. Like the game, add an ought and you'll get crosses.
29. Producer of parasols. 30. If this takes a 'bus it will be a dark place. 34. Head of a large-headed match (rev.).