How far the revolution has really spread it is not
by any means easy to ascertain ; that Cadiz and Seville are in the hands of the insurgents seems pretty certain. It is said that Cordova had joined them, but had been regained by General Novaliches before Marshal Serrano could march to its aid ; which is clearly false, as he was stated by the last official telegrams to be two days' march from Cordova. There is as yet no clear evidence of the revolt of Valencia or Barcelona. A telegram of the 22nd (Tues- day), delayed in transmission, says that "the whole of Anda- lusia and Estramaclura, all the soldiers and sailors in Ferrol (on the coast of Biscay), and the provinces of Galicia, Santander, and Corunna have pronounced in favour of the revolution,"—but this is certainly a sanguine revolutionary statement. An army of 20,000 soldiers under Marshal Serrano was said to be marching on Madrid. Colonel Baldrich is raising the revolt in Catalonia, and General Prim has probably joined him. Generals Contreras and Zabala are said to be at the head of the revolt in Galicia. But none of these rumours are worth much, for the telegraph lines are held by Government, and all the general information comes late, while much of it seems to be rather anticipated than actual news.