26 SEPTEMBER 1868, page 3

The Charge Against The Llanddulas Stationmaster, Samuel...

out the fact that, but for the escape of the petroleum trucks, there would have been no danger of collision, as had pre- eriously been supposed. The danger signals were properly......

Mr. Fawcett Has Sent To The Liberal Papers A Very

just and temperate defence of Mr. Odger, the working-class candidate for Chelsea, against an attack in the Pall Mall of yesterday week, so furious, and,—what is exceedingly rare......

The Veterinary Surgeons Are Proving Very Satisfactorily...

that a dog's bite is just as dangerous at one time of the year as at another, and may occasionally produce tetanus, like any other bad wound, whether the dog be "mad" or not.......

One Sees Whence Brother Ignatius Derived His Remarkable...

in that sort of wisdom which Lord Bacon calls "counsel." Brother Ignatius's father,—Mr. Francis Lyne,—published in the Daily Telegraph of Wednesday a long and very maundering......

A Disgraceful Scene Took Place Yesterday Week In The City,

where Brother Ignatius (the Bev. J. L. Lyne) had been preach- ing. This gentleman has preached on previous Fridays on the sins peculiar to the City, and seems especially to have......

Mr. Knatchbull-hugessen And Mr. Brassey Have Both Indig-...

all knowledge of the infamous election placard aimed at Mr. 1Vorms's Judaism, which we quoted in these columns last week ; and both of them have condemned it in the warmest......

There Has Been A General Absence Of Business In All

departments of the Stock Exchange. Nevertheless, the market for Home Stocks has ruled firm, at advancing prices. Yesterday, Consols left off at 94i, 1 for money, and 94/, / for......

Yesterday And On Friday Week The Loading Foreign Bonds Left

off at the annexed quotations :— Sept. 18. Sept. 21. Sept. 18.1Sept. 21. Brazilian, 1885 78fx. d. 781 Russian (Angio-Dutch) 9:11 981 Egyptian, 1884 871 87 Spanish, 1887 331 82......