Yesterday and on Friday week the loading Foreign Bonds left
off at the annexed quotations :—
Sept. 18. Sept. 21. Sept. 18.1Sept. 21.
Brazilian, 1885 78fx. d. 781 Russian (Angio-Dutch) 9:11 981 Egyptian, 1884 871 87 Spanish, 1887 331 82 Italian 53
Turkish, ISIS I 01ex. ti.
Mexican 1.41 144
„ 1862 1 67
Yesterday and on Friday week the loading British Railway Shares left off at the annexed quotations:—
Sept. 18. Sept. 23.
Sept. 18. Sept. 25.
Great Eastern 39 40 Lon., Cita them, &Dover 1 17 Great Great Northern ... 108 104 5letroptlitan .
107 Great Western 491x. d. 491 Midland 110 III Lancashire& Yorkshire 1281 128 Nrth-Eastern, Berwick 991 99 London & Brighton ... 544 111 Do. York 89 89 Lan. & North-Western 1121 114 South-Eastern... 771 781
Lou. & South-Western
88 88