26 SEPTEMBER 1868, Page 3

There has been a general absence of business in all

departments of the Stock Exchange. Nevertheless, the market for Home Stocks has ruled firm, at advancing prices. Yesterday, Consols left off at 94i, 1 for money, and 94/, / for the account ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 93 to /. In the Foreign House atten- tion has been principally directed to Spanish Securities, which gave way 2 per cent. on the announcement of the insurrection. A great part of the decline was subsequently recovered, it being evident that Spanish finance cannot be in a worse condition than it has been for some time past, and any change in the Government will probably be for the better. There has been a better feeling in the market for Home Railway Stocks, and the changes have gene- rally been of a favourable nature. In the Money Market, good short bills are taken in Lombard Street at 1/ to / per cent. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now 20,964,8401.; in the Bank of France, 51,888,000/.