Mr. H. 0. Arnold Forster has started on another crusade.
He helped greatly to improve the condition of the Navy, and now he wants to improve that of the Army. He declares that :—" Our cavalry are without horses, our artillery without guns or train, our infantry battalions are, I firmly believe, becoming worse each year. The Militia is a patent and recog- nised fraud ; while the Yeomanry has ceased to exist as a military force." Mr. Arnold Forster states that his intention at present is only to call attention to the subject, and he will give details by-and-bye; but of course his success will depend upon his details. If he can fairly frighten the country, he will get a reform thus far, that better wages being offered and less worry inflicted, the Army will get better men ; but of full reform we are hopeless until after a great defeat. Till then we shall never abolish the dual system, which s the root of evil, or get a permanent chief responsible for everything, and sitting in both Houses by right of office. The Parliamentary system will create a force, as we see in the Navy, and the Royal system will create one, as we see in Germany ; but our muddle of the two can and will create nothing but confusion.