The Times Of Tuesday Gives The Text Of The Bill
for splitting . Queensland into three Home-rule Provinces, with a united Central Government., which Sir Samuel Griffith recently laid upon the table of the Assembly. It is......
Mr. H. 0. Arnold Forster Has Started On Another Crusade.
He helped greatly to improve the condition of the Navy, and now he wants to improve that of the Army. He declares that :—" Our cavalry are without horses, our artillery without......
On Monday It Was Announced That Sir James Fergusson Had
been appointed Postmaster General. The appointment is probably as good a one as could have been made at the moment, for there is no inspired administrator available, and Sir......
On Wednesday, At The Dockers' Congress Now Being Held At
Hull, Mr. Tom Mann delivered his presidential address. There has been an improvement in their condition, but many of the dockers, he declares, are still at times called on to......
On Monday The Roman Papers _published The Text Of A
A letter addressed by the Pope to the Archbishops and Bishops in the German Empire and in Austria-Hungary, condemning the practice of duelling. The Pope condemns duelling as not......
On Wednesday, Lord Knntsford Addressed A Meeting At...
Suffolk, held in furtherance of his son's candidature. After praising Lord Salisbury for the successful apportionment of unappropriated Africa which he had carried through, Lord......