The Times of Wednesday gives an account of an attempt
to introduce a sort of bastard hull-fighting into Belgium. A rough wooden bull-ring has been erected at Spa, and here on Sunday last a wretched bull, who, as the Times' correspondent observed, was far more ready to browse on any stray pieces of grass he could find than to fight, was goaded and tormented into tossing his amateur tormentors. No lives were lost because of the magnanimity of the bull, who, when be had charged and tossed his enemies, generously refused to gore or trample on them, but it is satisfactory to read that the two imported Spaniards and a foolish old riding-master engaged to help in the sport were well shaken and frightened. The Times' correspondent says that there were a large number of well- dressed ladies present, and that they actually brought children with them. It is not to the credit of the Continenta_ authorities that they are letting bull-fighting pass the Pyrenees, and so enter Europe. Still, if they will have the atrocious institution, why not have it in proper form, and not a bungling travesty.