In Memoriam „Tames H. Brown. Edited by the Rev. James
Coutts. (J. Avery, Aberdeen.)—James Hampton Brown seems to have been a man of remarkable energy. Besides doing a multiplicity of business as banker, insurance agent, factor, &c., he was a golfer, a curler, an angler, and a pedestrian. He met his death while still in the full vigour of life by an accident—the fall of an avalanche—on the Wetterhorn. The narrative of this event, derived from one who survived it, is strangely tragic. One of the two guides was killed, the other lost his reason for a time. A more ghastly situation than the seven hours' waiting by Brown's companion with the half-demented guide and the dead while help was on its way can hardly be imagined. A curious fact is that though the four climbers were roped by 100 ft. of new Alpine rope, not a trace was found on the bodies of either the dead men or the survivors. It is noteworthy, as a useful cor- rective to a kind of judgment too frequently used, that this eminently successful man of business was "a laggard at lessons," according to the testimony of a schoolfellow.