In Memoriam „tames H. Brown. Edited By The Rev. James
Coutts. (J. Avery, Aberdeen.)—James Hampton Brown seems to have been a man of remarkable energy. Besides doing a multiplicity of business as banker, insurance agent, factor,......
Love And Lovers Of The Past. By Paul Gaulot. Translated
by F. Charles Laroche, LL.D. (Chatto and Windus. 6s.)—A small part of this book may be described as worth publishing, two chapters in fact,—viz., "A Lover of Charlotte Corday,"......
The Last Post. By Mildred G. Dooner. (simpkin, Marshall, And
Co. 10s. 6d. net.),—The frontispiece, drawn by far. W. ,14 Wyllie, LEA., pictures a bugler sounding the call known as "The Last Post." The book itself is a catalogue of all the......
The Jewish Year - Book, Edited By The Rev. Isidore...
(Ginsberg and Co., 2s. 6d.), contains, in addition to the customary items of information, special articles, among which may be noted Mr. Greenberg's analysis and criticism of......
New Editions.—the Hittites: The Story Of A Forgotten...
A. H. Sayce, D.D. (R.T.S.)—The Empire of Business. By Andrew Carnegie. (Doubleday, Page, and Co. 3 dole. net.)— We do not know whether there are any additions to thie new issue;......
The Thames. By Sir Walter Besant. (a. And C. Black.
le. 6d. net.)—This is one of the most interesting volumes of the series which bears the title of the "Fascination of London." The subject is too big for the space, possibly for......
Ariacine In Mantua. By " Vernon Lee." (b. H. Blackwell,...
le. net.)—This "Romance in Five Acts," a prose drama written in such prose as "Vernon Lee" has the secret of, is one of the delicate pieces of literary work which a critic is......