26 SEPTEMBER 1903, Page 25

Love and Lovers of the Past. By Paul Gaulot. Translated

by F. Charles Laroche, LL.D. (Chatto and Windus. 6s.)—A small part of this book may be described as worth publishing, two chapters in fact,—viz., "A Lover of Charlotte Corday," and "A Girondist's Love Affairs." M. Gaulot does something to spoil the latter. As for the rest, it would have been better to leave them among "the real riches of the National Record Office," aurem irrepartum et sic melius situm. And M. Gaulot actually congratulates himself on his prudence. These studies, as the author is pleased to call them, have already appeared in the Revue Hebdomadaire. We wonder whether there is an English magazine in which they would have found a home.