The Cambridge University Press All who delight in good printing
and good publishing will echo General Smuts's commendation of the Cam- bridge University Press, in the speech with which he opened an exhibition of Cambridge books at Messrs. Bumpus's on Tuesday. It was the centenary of the founding of the Pitt Press building erected out of a fund subscribed to do honour to Pitt's memory. But the University has had an official printer since 1583, and it encouraged Erasmus's friend John Siberch to print a few books in Cambridge in 1521. For generations the University Press has served the cause of learning, and never better than to-day, and it has steadily raised the standard of its production. Baskerville printed a fine Bible and some Prayer-books for the University, but even his work, though much renowned, does not in our view compare with the best contemporary products of the Pitt Press.