The British Association Following Hard On The...
Faraday the British Association's meetings are being held in London under the admirably chosen President, Genera Jan Smuts, with whose address we deal in a leading article. We......
Bank Rate 6 Per Cent., Changed From 41 Per Cent.
on September 21st, 1931. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 96 ; on Wednesday week, 99; ; a year ago, 10341. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 851 ; on Wednesday......
China And Japan We Have Lately Pointed To Manchuria As
a seedbed from which trouble would shortly spring. The feebleness and disorder that prevailed in China make her not only a tempting prey but also a likely provoker of violence......
Tripoli We Congratulate The Italian Army On What Appears To
be the final act in the arduous task set by its Govern- ment of pacifying the North African possessions of Italy. We hope that soon those districts, which were so long under the......
The Anti-slavery Society And Russia The Anti-slavery And...
Society, with whose aims we have been for generations in sympathy, have sent us a copy of correspondence that has passed between them and the Russian Embassy in London since the......
The Cambridge University Press All Who Delight In Good...
and good publishing will echo General Smuts's commendation of the Cam- bridge University Press, in the speech with which he opened an exhibition of Cambridge books at Messrs.......
Wheat From Hudson Bay A Steamer Carrying 270,000 Bushels Of
wheat sailed from Churchill in Hudson Bay on September 17th, and thus inaugurated a new direct route from Western Canada to England. The Dominion is to be congratu- lated on the......
Miss Joan Proctor We Regret To Record The Death On
Sunday of the brilliant young naturalist, Miss Joan Procter, who was famous for her knowledge of snakes. She was only thirty-five. Miss Procter became assistant to Dr. G. A.......