ebe Court.
THE King and Queen arrived in town on Tuesday, from Windsor, whither they had gone at the close of last week. In the evening, the King gave a grand dinner to the Knights of the Garter ; among whom were the Dukes of Cumberland, Sussex, Gloucester, Richmond, Devonshire, and Bedford, Marquis Wellesley, and Earl they.
His Majesty held a Levee, as usual, on Wednesday.
The Dutchess of Kent entertained the King at dinner en Wednes- day at the Palace, at Kensington. The Queen was unable to accom- pany his Majesty, being indisposed, from an attack of the influenza. The Princess Augusta was also prevented from joining the party, from the same cause.
The Duke of Gloucester gave a grand dinner to the King on Thurs- day. Among the company, were the Dukes of Cumberland, Welling- ton, Northumberland, Rutland, and Dorset, Lord Hill, Colonel Fitz- roy, and Colonel Higgins, celebrated in Figaro.