27 APRIL 1833, page 11


The Lord Mayor gave a grand entertainment on Wednesday, at the Mansionhouse, to his Majesty's Ministers and other persons of dis- tinction. Among the gentlemen, were the Duke of......

Eielnitte Mar L9rtfcraing.4 In Parliament.

1. DISTRESS OF THE COUNTRY; THE CURRENCY; Mr. MATTHIAS Arrwoon, on Monday, moved the following resolution " That a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into the state of......

Ebe Court.

THE King and Queen arrived in town on Tuesday, from Windsor, whither they had gone at the close of last week. In the evening, the King gave a grand dinner to the Knights of the......

A Meeting Of The Inhabitants Of The Metropolitan Boroughs...

held on Thursday, at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, for the purpose of adopting measures for the repeal of the House and Window Taxes. The great room was completely filled before......