Dr. Marcus Tierney was found dead in a cabriolet on
Sunday evening. tie had been living for the last three weeks in a disreputable house in the Almonry, Westminster ; and feeling unwell, went to consult Mr. Leary, a surgeon in Parliament Street, and died on the road. .His body was removed by the Police to St. Margaret's Workhouse.
Captain Richbell, well known for many years as resident Magistrate of the Thames Police, died, at the age of seventy-five, on Wednesday morning. In 1793, he was Chief of the Press-gang department in and about London. He died rich.
Johnson, the famous informer, died a few days since, " at his resi- dence, Seabrook Cottage, Pentonville," from an attack of the influenza. He had contrived to scrape together a considerable property, by " victimizing licensed victuallers," and others. The death of his wife is said to have affected him seriously, and rendered Lim very susceptible 'to the influenza.
The son of a wine-merchant at the West end of the town, attempted to shoot himself, a few days since, in consequence of having lost a con- siderable sum of his father's . money at a gambling-house in Regent Street. He only shattered his face, however, and is likely to recover.