Arrived—Off Portsmouth, April 24111, Southworth, Coombs, from Madras. Off Fal- mouth, din to, General Palmer, Cotgrave, from Bengal. At Liverpool, 19th, Mary Ann Webb. Hesse, from ditto; Asia, Graham, from Bombay ; and Colliugwood. Snipe, from Mauritius ; and 21st, Margaret, Grant, from ditto. At Mauritius, Dec. 1st, Moira, O'Brien, from London.
Sailed—From Gravesend, April 20th, Capt. Cook. Thompson, for New South Wales; 21st, Children, Durochier, for ditto; and 20d, Salado, Addison, for Mauritius. From Liverpool, 21st, Copia, Hoyle, fur Batavia; Empire, Baker, for ditto; and Kent, Cos-bro. for Bombay ; and 24th, Calcutta, Greenly, for ditto. From the Clyde, 22d, Joanna, Paterson, for 'Calcutta.
Arrived—Off Portsmouth, Florentia,Delsitte, from New South Wales. Off Kingston, Reliance, Cook, from Mauritius. At New South Wales, Nov. 18th,- Nancy, William; and 23d. Pegagus, Howlett, from London. •