The Birmingham Journal of this day reports the actual state
of the mining districts- The Birmingham Journal of this day reports the actual state of the mining districts- " The colliers throughout the district of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire are still standing out for an advance ot wages, and the same applies to the men in various other parts of England. In the Newcastle district the strike is all but general, and the effects are seriously felt by all classes. Meetings are daily held to keep the men up to their former resolutions ; and there is at present no prospect of an adjustment, as the masters declare their in- ability to comply with the demands made upon them. At Newcastle-upon- Tyne, the men are equally determined, and there is no prospect of an imme- diate settlement. In Ninth Staffordshire alone does the combination seem to have ceased. There the men have, in a great degree, resumed their labour, and matters have been amicably settled. The works of Mr. Williamson, and others of equal magnitude, are on full time ; and it is to be hoped they may be enabled to continue this advantage to their numerous dependants. We rejoice to be able to add that the strike has not extended to South Staffordshire."