27 APRIL 1844, page 10

Among The Conjectures Respecting The Reason Of Lord...

recall by the East India Directors, in defiance of the Govern- ment, the Morning Chronicie says, that he had made himself universally odious and unpopular with public servants......

The Birmingham Journal Of This Day Reports The Actual State

of the mining districts- The Birmingham Journal of this day reports the actual state of the mining districts- " The colliers throughout the district of Nottinghamshire and......

The Execution Of Mary Furley, The Woman Who Killed Her

child while trying to drown herself, is fixed for the 6th May. [Surely this sentence is not to be carried into effect ?]......

Mr. Con Missioner Merivale, Who Has Filled The Office Of

one of the Commissioners in Bankruptcy for so many y ears past, expired very suddenly, at eight o'clock on Thursday evening, at his residence, No. 18 Bedford Square. After......

POSTSCRIPT SATURDAY NIGHT. More surprises were in store for Parliament last flight. First in order and importance is the follow ing annourcernent, made, in answer IO 11 question......

By The Death Of Sir Timothy Shelley, The Baronetcy Devolves

upon Mr. Percy Florence Shelley, the SOD of Percy Bysshe Shelley, the poet, and Mary, daughter of William Godwin, the novelist and political writer. Nrs. Shelley's mother la as......

In The Dublin Court Of Queen's Bench, On Thursday, Mr.

Whiteside opened the arguments for a new trial of Mr. O'Connell and the other traversers ; the points of his speech being all the old stock " objec- tions " so often reiterated.......


We have reason to believe that his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias will arrive in this country on a visit to her Majesty in the course of a few weeks. The......

The Queen And Prince Albert, Accompanied By King Leopold And

the Queen of the Belgians, left town this morning for Claremont. They w ere expected to return to Buelcitigham Palace in time for dinner.......

The Long-announced General Meeting Of The New Zealand...

held yesterday, at their house in Broad Street Buildings. The attendance was very numerous, and many influential persons were present. A long report was read, and listened to......

Quarterly Average Of The Weekly Liabilities And Assets Of...

Bank of England, from the 27th January 1844 to the 20th April 1844. LLABIL1TIES. ASSETS. Circulation £21,427,000 Securities £22,150,000 Deposits 13,615,000 Bullion 16,015,000......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. TI.e market Las .been in a quiet state - duricg the week, the extreme fluctua- tion not having exceeded j per cent. On more than one occasion,......