27 APRIL 1844, Page 11


The John Woodall. Williams. for the Cape of Gs orl Hs pe and Calcutta. took fire off Gravesend, on the 2t511 Instant, ant: was scuttled. 'The Palestine. from Nee castle to Bombay, e as burnt in lat. S. long. 59 E. on the Bd Feb. ; crew saved. ARRIVED-At Gravesend, 224 instant. Waverley. Morgan, from China; 234. Con,lant, Emery fi on. Sydney; and Southampton. Roam nom Calcutta t 2911i, Emily, Graves; sod Ilumayvon. flout DAM . • 25th, Adriande Campbell. front China; and Kandiana. Rogers, from Calcutta. Off Portsmouth. 24th, Simon Tay lor, Brown. from China. OffSalcumbe, 25th, FORM. Greig, from Ditto. Off Falmouth. 224, Tartar, Luce. from :Mauritius ; and 24th, Bucephalus. Bell. from Calcutta. At Livers,. ol, 20111, Hindoo, Michael, fions Calcutta ; 22d, Midas, Kier, from Bombav ; 24th; Mertoun, Kenn, from Ditto; and 25th, Kith, Graham. from Calcutta. It, the Clyde. 20to instant, Argaum, Leitch. brim Calcutta; and Akbar. AI kley, from Mau- ritius. At Ascension, 1201 March. Catherine, —, from Bombay.At St. Helena, previous ta 14th March, Bengalee, Bodle ; and -Chieftain, Birnie, from China. Bleng, Stewart; and Psyche. Stephenson. from Singapme ; Melte. Dale; and John Horton, Cunningham, flont Manilla; Malcolm. Simon ; Lydia, Houston ; Harvest Home, Heron; Ceylon. Leslie; and Regina. Slack, from Calcutta; Nepaul, Campbell, from Madras; Thomas Cmutts. Wade; Good Hope, Mainland ; anu Ra- anathen. Stewed, ftom Bombay. At the Cape, previous to 27th Feb. Jane. Moffat, from Calcutta; Charles Kerr, Arnold. from Madras ; Mai tin Luther, Palmer; Louisa, lailite ; Solway. Spence; and Boadicea, Withei a from Mounties; Agues Lea, Lea; and.. Vests, Shearer, from Loudon; Hudson, Hayfield, from Liverpoorl ; All ants. IV.Couelly, from Mull; and Alexander. Murray, from Llanelly; &men—Fula Gravesend, 21st ibbi Robert Small, Williams, for Madras; 224, Olympus; White, for Bombay ; and 224, Thetis, Cass, for Calcutta. From Liverpool, 21st, Ellen. Worrell; and Wild Irish Girl, Graham, for Bombay ; 22d. John idtVicar, IdtLeud, for ditto; 25th. Aden, Kiug, for China; and Lady Hanka. Craigie, for Caron. From the Clyde. 18th. Nelson, Potter, for Bombay; Isabella Cooper, Guthrie, for Calcutta; and Ellen, Rodger, fur Singapore.