TI.e market Las .been in a quiet state-duricg the week, the extreme fluctua- tion not having exceeded j per cent. On more than one occasion, in conse- quence oldie momentary preponderance of sellers, prices have given way, and a gloomy appearance has been observable : this has, however, been transient ; and been always followed by a quiet and steady improvement as soon as the
Market has been relieved of tbesuperincumbent weight of stock. The Govern- ment-broker has continued his buying operations, Laving bought from 30,000/. to 40.000/. daily ; partly on account of tbe Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, being for the investment of money received on account of Terminable Annuities, and partly for the Savings Banks. The shorter descrip- tion of Terminable Annuities are now to be had cheaper in the market than of the Government, and some large purchases have recently been made in them ; one broker, yesterday, having bought to the extent of 8,000/. per annum, thus investing nearly 10000/. The transfer of Sicek, or payment of money to the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, has, therefore, for the prest nt ceased. Bank Stock remains the same; and India Stock is from 1/. to 2/. per cent lower. The New Trust Company formed by the South Sea Directors appears to be popular, as since the prospectus was issued the Stock has risen about 2 per cent, having been quoted today at 1144.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer will bring forward his Budget on Monday; and various rumours are afloat as to the niede in which Le will dispose of his surplus of 2,000,0001.: the most probable are those which indicate a reduc- tion in the duties of some of the principal articles of consumption. The business of the Foreign Market has not been of a very important cha- racter; Spanish Stock, as usual, having been the chief object of speculation. The fluctuation in both descriptions of Bonds has not exceeded 1 per cent, and they close today about midway between the extreme points. A notice has been issued by Mr. GEORGE BISCHOrrAlitIM, of Angel Court, stating his readiness to undertake the agency of the conversion of the Colonial Dutch Five per Cents into Four per Cents. Of the existing 64,000,000 guilders of this Stock, 45,000,000 are to be cancelled by the issue of a Four per Cent Stock at par, with a bonus of rather more than 54 per cent, or 57 guilders per thousand. The numbers of the Bonds forming the 45,C00.000 to be redeemed, is to be decided at the Hague by lottery, to be drawn on the 3d May; and such holders of Colonial Five per Cents as are willing to consent to the reduction, if their Bonds should be drawn, are required to give notice to Mr. BiSCHOFFSHEilu on or before the 30th, sending at the same time the numbers of the Bonds. lf the Bonds are drawn for conversion, the agent undertakes to deliver the new Four per Cent Bonds in London in exchange for the existing Colonial Five per Cents; and at the same time, to pay the bonus of 57 guilders per 1,000, and 4 17 guilders—beirg one month's interest upon the Five per Cent Stock from 1st April to 1st May—together 61 17 guilders, worth 5/. sterling: thus avoiding all risk of sending the Bonds to Holland, or of any other nature, as the Bondholders will not be required to part with one sort of security until they receive the other. The profit of the egerey will he derived from the diflerence of exchange arising upon the converston of the Dutch guilders into sterling, and is about 1 per cent. be Railway Shares are generally firmer, though there is not any great im- provement in prices. Manchester end Birmingham Lave risen about 51.; and a suppltmentary line, the Trent Valley, connected with the former under- taking, which Las just appeared, is from 6/. to 8/. ptemium. The French lines have recovered from the depression noticed last week, and are today I/. above
our last quotations. SATURDAY. TWELVE O'CLOCK. The announcement of the recall of Lord ELLmarosioron Las produced an unfavourable effect upon the prices of the Funds, which are 4per cent lower ; there being sellers of Consols at 994. The Inkiness transacted Las, however, been unimportant.
The transactions of the Foreign Market are few. The only variation being in Spanish Stock, which is from 410 4 per cent below yesterday's prices. Ilbe business in Railway Shares is general, without any material change. The French lines are, however, again in demand : Paris and Orleans being 374; and Paris and Rouen; 384. The follow iog bargains have also occurred: Bilmingbam and Derby, Eight Shares 204; Birrnirgbam and Gloucester, 934 2; Ditto, New, 23; Chester and Holyhead, 64; Eastern Counties, 124 ; Great Vestero, 1134; Ditto, Half Shares. 7211; Ditto. Fifth Shares, 204 ; Harwich, (Braithwaite's.) 3; London and Birmingham; Quarter Shares, 274.; Blackwell, 6; Brighton, 434; New castle and Earlington, Junction, 424; North British, 3; South-eastern and Dover, New Sh Ares, 10.
SATURDAY, Two olenoex. The English Funds close at an advance of 4 per cent. Not a single bargain has occurred in India Sleek ; the price of yesterday was 2894 : 10,000/ were offered in the morning, at 290, and afterwards at 289; but no buyers were to be found. There is no material vatiation in the Foreign Funds. Vi e have to notice the following bargains in Shares in addition to those given in the morning : Railways—Caledonian, 44; Chester and Holyhead, 64 ; Dublin and Cashel, 44; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 664; Great 'Western, 1134; Ditto, Half-Shares, 724; Ditto, Fifth-Shares, 191 204; Lancaster and Carlisle, 64; Birmingham, 2294; Blacks all. 64; Brighton, 934: Greens kb, Preference, 1644; South-western, 844 4; Ditto:Eighth-Shares, 34; Croy don, 18; South- eastern and Dover, 354; Ditto, New, 10 94; York, North Midland, and Scar- borough, 20; Paris and Oilcans, and Paris ana Rotten, 374 : Banks—Union of Australia, 264 : Santiago oe Cuts, Mining, 104 : General Steam Naviga- tion, 28.
3 per Cent Consols 9994 I Colombian ex Venezuela ... 15 Ditto tor Account Danish 3 per Cents 18 9 3 per Cent Reduced 90 4 Dutch 21 pet Cents 9 31 per Cent Ditto 1021 Ditto 5 per Cents ...... 10001 14
New 84 per Cents ... 1024 3 Mexican 5 per Cents Coned. 25 Bank Stock 1961 Ditto pDue.trrzt 5 p
Exchequer Bills prem. 76 77i5 I India Stock Russian 5 per Cents 17 int Brazilian 5 per Cents 80 1 Spanish (Aptly e) Slier Cents. 1:115 h 1 Belgian 5 per Cents 104 5 Ditto 3 tee Cents 1842 6 Chitin° 6 per Cents 102 4 Venezuela Active 391 401