27 APRIL 1844, Page 19



On the 27th March, at BIRCkIleBBI. Mrs. MACGREGOR LAIRD, of a sou. On the 1711, April, at Dane Court. Kent, the Lady of EDWARD RICE, Esq., M.P.. of a son. On the 18th, at Tynemouth, Northumberland. the Lady of Major G. W. FRANCHLYN, of the Thirty.seventh Regiment, of a SOO and heir. ' On the 20th, at Chase Side House, Enfield, Mrs. ELLIS Reliever, of a son. On the 21st, at Bath, the La ty of Sir CHARLES Serew, of a sun, who survived but a short time.

On the list, at Earlswood Lodge, near Reigate, the Lady of Major E. P. LI-rica, K.L.S.. of a daughter. On the 238. at Clyst St. Mary Rectory, near Exeter, the Lady of the Rev. EDMOND Sewers. of a daughter. On the 231, at Ball's Park, Herts. the Lady of Jony Heinle PELLY, Esq., of a son and heir.

On the 238, at Eaton Place, the Lady of Captain Oane, of a son.


On the 28th March, at Naples, Lieutenant-C.)1°nel CHARLES HAY, commanding the Nineteenth Regiment. fourth Sun Male late General Sir James Hay, K.C.H. to ELLEN. second daughter of the late Major Geueral Sir CHARLES A-HWORTH. K.C.13.. K T.S.

Os the 18th April, at St. Dunstan's-in the West. the Rev. W. L. Sus-rein, Vicar of Posliugford. Suffolk. to CATHARINE, youtigeet daughter of the late Mr. SEELEY, of Fleet Street and Thames Ditton. On the 19th. at St. Pancras, New Road, CHARLES LANDMAN'', Esq., son of Colonel Landman°, M.I.C.E.. F.S.A , of Stoke Newington, to Emma, second daughter of G. BRACHER. ESC' ,of Stamford Hill. On the 224, at St. George's. Hammer Square, J. Damn CuTroe. Esq., eldest son of J. Clifton. Esq.. of Lytham Hall, Lancashire, to Miss Lowing's, daughter of the Hon. Colonel and lardy Lucy Eleanor Lowther. On the 23d, at Watcot Church, Bath. Captain BALLARD, Niuth Regiment eldest son of the late Itear-Admiral Ballard, C.B.. to EtaInv SARAH, second daughter of J. R. SPENCER PanAtes, Esq., of Riffham's Lodge, Danbury, Essex On the 241.1 the Rev. HENRY THOMPSON, BA., third gnu of Robert Thompson. Esq., Salisbury, to Rude ELIZA. youngest daughter of Sir WILLIAM WALTER YEA, Bart., of Pyrland Hall, Somersetshire. On the 234, at Wherwell, Sir WILLIAM EDEN, Bait, IO ELMIRA S. H. TREMONGER. youngest daughter of Colonel Iremouger. Wherwell Priory, Hants. On the 238, at Eccleston. near Chester. the Rev. W. Moinix Mvuou. B.A.. Briti,lt Chaplain at Cobleuz-on-the-Rhine, to CLARA, yi.inigest daughter of DIGSY• THOMAS CARPEN1 ER, Esq., of Hawke House, Sunbury. Middlesex. amid niece of Lord Stanley, of Alderleye met the Lent Bishop oh Norwich. On the 23d. at Fast Stoke, Notts, JOHN HENRY ELWEs, Esq.. eldest son of Henry Elwea,-130q., of Coleshorne. Gloucestershire, to MAHN, daughter of Reari-Admiral Sir HOBERT ROWE BROMLEY, Bart. Os the 23d, at St. Werburgh's Church. Derby. the Rev. Ileum. Pescii, Vicar of Tut. bury. eldest son of Thomas Peach, Esq., of Langley, to FLORENCE MARY, eldest daughter of the lute Colonel Mennoa, or Derby.


Oa the 31st .Tanuary, on board H.M.S. Hy dra, off the Coast of Africa, JOHN THOMAS, Esq., eldest son it' the late Colonel Thomas, of the Twenty-eighth Regiment. her Majesty's Commissioner at St. Paulo de band° for the Abolition ef the Slave Trade under the Portuguese Treaty; its his 4511t year. Oil the 19.h March, at 'Rome. Joint t.,..1.errosi Mswnev. eldest sun of Jobe Shave Manley. . Esq., of Morley Hall Staffordshire; hi his 21st year. On the 18th April. at Daidreith, As rshire. Lientenatit-Colonel Winniera KELSO, of Dattheit h, late of the Hen. East India i'ompany's Service. Oii the 15th, at Bexhill. Sussex, ELIZABETH Du rt.i:en. relict of Almetham Duplock; in her 99d year: and OH the 19th. at Gardener's Street, Sussex, SAMUEL Nuexas. farmer, breffier of the above; in his 88th year.

On the 19th. at Guild end, Captani GEnRoE N'utrinN. R.N.; ill Ills 78th year.

On the 19th, at G.ant,n House, Northumberland, JOHN TEWART. ; in his 80th year. On the 20ili, ENDES SUMMERS, Esq., of Fern _Grove Lodge, Cliertsey, Surrey ; in his 82.1 year. Go the 200, in Park Street, GIOSCe110T Square, MISS ANNE CATHERINE PACK, only sister of Ile- late Major General Sir Denis Park. K.C.B. ; in her 761h I ear. On the X0th. at Golden Square. NICoLAS DE WITTE, the celebrated harpist. On the 21st, the Rev. JAMES POWELL, Fitty-Ilse yeal s Vicar of Hitless, ell. Leicester- shire; in his Seth year. On the 224, at Hastings. ELEANoR CATHERINE, yttungest daughter of the late Sir GEORGE WILLIAM Len's, Bart. Oa the 21n, at Clifton, LUCY MARIA BOUVERIE, eldest daughter of the Rev. Dr. PtrsEy: in her 15th year, On the 23d. iu Berkeley Square, the Hon. Demi LINDSEY, brother to the late and uncle to the ire-emit Earl of Balcarres; iti his 79111 year.

On the 23il, !tithe. eldest daughter of the late Peter Du Cane, Esq„ of Brasted,

Essex niece of the late Lady King, and wife of EDMUND SMITHE, of Brighton; in her 74th year. Lately, Vice-Admiral Sir JAHLEEL BRENTON.