CISME ow ORDNANcE. April 22.-Royirt Regimeut of Artillery-Capt. and Brevet- Mai, C. Dillon to be Lieut.-Col. slot J. Gordon, retired ou full-pay; Second Capt. C. W. Wiugfield to be Capt.; See. Capt. A. Tunoll to be Capt. 'ice Datien ; First Lieut. W. H. Elliot to be Sec. Capt. vice Tuthill; Sec. Liettt. A. C. G.eig io be First Lieut. vice Etna; Sec. Capt. J. S. Fin rell to be Capt. vice retired our full pay ; First Lieut. P. Maclean to be Sec. Capt. vice Farrell; Second Lies°. C. Frye to he First Ideal.. sire Maclean ; See. Capt. II. Pottle lobe C ,pt. vice Feu retired on the ply; First Lieut. C. R. Wynue to lie Sec. Cate. vice Pate; See. Lieu;, the Ho.. W. C. Yelvertun to be First Lieut. viee Wynne. WAR oFFicE, April 26. -let Drag. Guards- W. H. Be Bodes. Gent.. to be Cornet, by purehase, vice Stilluo, appoliced to the 12th Light Drags. 12th Lipid Drags - Lieut. T. Bertrard to be Capt. by purcha,c. Nice who retires; Cornet J. ■1111:annt to be Lieut. by pilaw:, vice Bernina; Cornet H. G. :introit. finm the Is; Ora., Guards, to be Cornet, vice Wiil loins. 94i Foot -Capt. J. Harvey, from the 44th Foot to be Calf. vice Ballard, %situ exchauges. 1 I t h Foot Lieut. S. S. Cox, to be Capi. by pur- chase. vire Forbes. who 1.r-tires; Ensign J. l'atti.,on t.. be Lieut. by plirehase,, ree Cox; W. Gwnle, Gent. to be Ensign. by pilichase. ice ValLsoa. 23i1 Fout-Assio.-Surg. IV. G. Watt. from the Staff, to be As,ist.-Sing. vice Loinsworth, who resigns. 25th Foot-Lieut. E.G Whitty, from the Auli Find, ti l he Lieut. vire Rinlyeril. w Ito ex- changes. 26ili Foot-Lieat. II. E. S. 1tudyera, aunt the 25th Foot. to be Lieut. rice Whiti", who exchanges. 44th Foot-Cala V. V. Ballard, from the 9th Foot to be Capt. vice Harvey, who exclutiges. 4tith Foot-Lieut. W. H. O'Toole to be /Wk. Tice Sharp. dec.; Ensign, J. E. spithug to be Lieut. without purchase, vice O'Toole, ap- pointed Alljt.; J. G. Clarke, Gent, to be Ensign, sure Spilling. 47th; Foot-Lieut. F Estwick, from the 9411i Foul, to be Lietiteuaut, vice Clarke. who exchanges.' 515t Foot- Lieutenani W. Birelt. frum the 25th Regime:it of Foot. to be Lien errant, vice Stionffie,:d who retiree.; Lieutenant W. Birch to be Adjt. vice Catey. pa-muted. 71st Foot - Brevet•Majer W t1,uauul. frem half-pay Sub-Inspector of Miller in the Ionian Islands, to be Grid. vice Austen. wile exchanges; Lieut. T. H. thdviii lobe Capt. by purchase. vice Guard, wire retires ; Eleagn IV. Hutchinson to tue Li id. by purchase, vice Colvill ; J. I. Macdonell, Gent to be Eiisign, by purchaee. vice Hutchinsou 74.h Foot-Sergeant-514w F. Dunbar to be Quartermaster. vice D. Mt Curdy. who retires upon hall pay. ejill Foot-Lieut. W. Hurl lobe Capt by par- (.11.,,e %Ice W. B..yri, unto tetires; Second Lieut. W. E. Adams to be Firer Lieut. vice Vigor, dec. ; Second Lieut. F Colegrave to be First Lieut. by purchase, rule Boyd; Ensige A. Dewar, fu-urn the Royal Cauadiart Ride Regt. to ha. Second Lieut. vice Adams; J. Doherty, Gout. to be Second Lieut by purchasii. sure Culegrwse. 94111 Foot-Lieet. R. N. Clarke, from 47th Foul, to be Lient. site Estwiek, who schanges„ 1st West Ind a Regt.-T. Clark, (Jenne,' be Ensigu, -lama purehase, vice Ttomp- sou. deceased.
Roost Cauadiau Rifle Regt.-J. Gi Stewart, Cent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Deoar, appointed tuthe 87th F Uriattached- Lieut. G. R. Langley, fr..m the 1.9th Foot, to be Capt. without pus.