The Irish Repealers and their friends chuckle inordinately, be- cause
" delays" in the ulterior proceedings of the State trial are now made by the Crown-lawyers. Last week, among the grounds for a new trial, the traversers alleged the " fraudulent " omission of names from the Jury-list. The charge was put more specifically than it bad previously been, and Mr. Attorney-General SMITH re- solved to meet it in the directest form. He therefore applied to Mr. MAGRATH, and other persons officially employed—without whose knowledge, if not connivance, no wilful suppression could have taken place—to state the facts within their knowledge, on affidavit : the affidavits took some time to prepare, and fearing that they would not be ready in time, before Monday came Mr. SMITH applied to have the hearing postponed. Here is " delay " certainly, though it appears not unreasonable : the traversers also threaten delays ; but the inevitable termination of the trial, if not already in sight, is probably not far off.