Tuesday, April 23. PARTNEISHIPS uressinven.
Watson and Co. C adiff. timber-rnmehants; as for as regards A. Cormck - Hanson. aud Theakston, York, 1uainters-W.1d and Gascoigne, Mtn Street, Craw:lied. iars, wine-merchants-Leigh aud Postlethwaite. Preston, cottuu.spuitiers-Aspinati id Co. Smith. lets. Staffordshire. Irouthunders-Speight and Co. Blackburn, coach nl ikers- Chamberlin and Riditig-. Borteey World. Law:astute, coiner-manufacturers -.Lamson and Daniels, Birmingham pork butchers-Ilaideastle and Bruntan. Sunder Ittitil. corn. mission-agents - 1. and J. Benoliel, Rugby, jewellers - Smith aud Cu. Leaunwgton Priors. irunfouuders-Bii gmati and Piedger. Bury St. Edmund's. farmers -Bell Brothers, Duke Street. Gresvenix Square, wine-merehauts -Spiuk Sr Merin. K ugston. upon Hull. priuters-Futhergill and Linn. Darinigton, surgeons-Lane aud Bawden. %%Unlock Road. City Read, brewers -Griffiths and Roberts, Liverpool, tailors. DECLARATION!. OF INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW ACT.
Hilder, Bradeell. Suffolk, out of business -Warburton, Harputhey, fear Manches- ter. joiiier-Uuswortii, Liserpoul, out ut bushess-Chambers, Roseman Bur dings, Clerkenwethelerk-Front. EtInautiton. beer-retailer-Pennington, Bedlingtou, Dorham, draper-Sfeppard, Upper Stamford Street cook -Taylor, Meredith Street, Cierken- welt, jew eber -Fothergill. Batley, victualler-Regers, Kuockin. Shiopshire. tar utter-
To Haiitax, wheel. right- Woderliam, Vassal Read, nurseryman- ehir lips. T.-mple Street, Southwark, out Lit bubiniess-Chaunberlaiu, Pm-used Street, carpeut.T Atkey, Briguton, grocer-Limebeer. Great Clime:, Street, boutmaker-Wilkinseu Bawtry, Yurkehire, out of busiliess Fearneilie. Leeds, carser-Thurs on, Norwich, baker- N ich isun. Leeds, butcher-Schuh:field. Ilu derstieid wooii-dealer - Whi. win tli , Gluey, Buckinghamshire. fat mer-Crai en . Leeds, cu. miller - Baxter. Barking, tisnersuan- Courage orthsenier, Agnes Place. Waterloo Road, purser R.N. -Deaue, Sidney street, Courruet real Road tugifei-mituulacturer - Everett. Strand, warehouse cloth - Way, Southsea. baker-James, Wym .udhatu, Lerceetershire, laliourer- Duce, Leeds, cloths maker-Wiudsor, St Ana's Terrace. St. Julia's Wool. solicitor-Smith, CatuarVOD, out of business- Browe, Duke's Mews, LiAtia11 Grove, cabriolet 'proprietor. BANKRUPTS. Amine. WILLIAM, Bell Street, Eilgeware Road, builder, to surrender May 3, June 7: soliedor, Mr. Herpur, Keiuuiimgiouu Ccs'ssi viii Schism assignee, Mr. Alsager„ Birettin Lane. therm ABRAHAM, Brikeushaw, iunkeetor, May 6,31: solicitors, Mrotmun. (5.-d awl Co. Bow Churchyard; aud Mr. Blackiluru. Leeds; official assIgnee, Freema .. Leeds. 11 .01.11ERS. SAMUEL, Newcastle-uuder Lyme currier, May 1, June 7: solicitors. Mr. Hardiug, Neecasile; and Mr. Smith, Birmiughaw ; official assiguee. Mr. Bits
m laghara.
Winfrey, Rickmansworth, ituctioueer, May 3, June 1: solicitors, Mes5111. Watson aud Sons. Buoverie Sheet; official assigoee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jean). CHANNELL, HARRY, Souflhiauumptou cual-merehant. Apri. 36, May ifl ME. Sowton, Great James Street; amid Mr. Cox. ell, Suuthamptim ; official assignee, Mr.
Belcher, King s Arms Yard.
GRAHAM. Ei•WARD, Hover Street. singiug-master, May 3, 31: solicitor, Mr Lone-
dale, temple Chambers Fleet Street ; official assiguee, Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
JACKesON. RICHARD, Leeds. machine-maker. May 4. 25: solicitors. Mr. kiudey, Temple; amid Messrs. Barr mid Co. Leeds; official assigliee, Mr. Fearue. Leeas. Kam, Jassrs Baciersa, Neegate Street. merchaut, May 7, June Li: solicitor. Mr. Cox, Plainer's Hall, Broad Street; official assignee, Mr. Johnsoth Basinghail Street. LLoYD. WILLIAM. Liverpool. stine-wierelmt. May 3, 21: solicitors, Meseta. Holme and Co. Nee Inn ; and Mr. Booker, Liverpool; official assignee. Mr. ISird. Liverpool. Rain. WILLuat. and PAOE. Estee. IHS‘viCli. ship builders. April 30, June 4: solicitor. Mr. Teague, Crown Court, Gambill; official assignee. Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry.
Smsrrow, Glamor, Strallord. horse dealer. May 1. June 5: solicitors, Messrs. Buchanan sod Grainger, Basinghall Street; official assiguee, Mr. Johnson, liaaiug. ball Street.
WARD. Fasosaintlanoursopow. Arbour Terrace, Commercial Road. tallow-chandler. May L. June 5: solicitor, Mr. Niue, Copthall Cowl; official assiguee, Mr. Juhuaon, Basinghall Street,
May 14. Lynton, Cambridge, innkeeper-May 14, Hopkins. Tooley Street, currier- May 15. Teesdale audToulson, Westminster Bridge Ruud. furnishing.warehousemen - May 14. M•Kinlay and Mare. Silver Street, Wood Street, rectifiers - May 15. Jay. Castle Lane. Southwark Bridge Road. hat-manufacturer- May 14. Greaves, Fish Street Hill, leatherseller -May 15. Humbertsurs arid Fro-sham. Liverpool. commission- merchants- May 15. Robinson, Liverpool, cot glass dealer- May 16. Cornish. Brid- port. painter - May 16. Minch, Norton und.v. Harnduu, S..mersetsbire, sail cloth. Manufacturer-alay 17. Harforil, Bristol. ironmaster- May 15. Arrowsmith. Burnley, mercer-May 16. Seddon. Middle Hutton. Laucashire, 15, Reedry, Stamford, Liucolnshire,
To be granted. unless cause be shown to the. contrary. on the day of meeting.
May 16. Cheeseman and Co. Brighton, chinatueu -May 14, Morton. Bishopsgate Street within. eatinglionse-keeper-May 14 Craneis. 11,1aldon, butcher - May 14. Hawkes, Brighton. brewer- May 14. Lark, Seymour Street. Euston Square. boutmaker -?.1 1, 14. Edwards, St Alban's. coal-merchaut-May 16. Scbulefield. Cheapside, Cutler-May 16. Conaway. Gray's Inn Lane. cheesemouger-May 16. Tack, Ilay. market. silversmith-Mau 21. Johnson. Loot Street, carpenter-May 14, Bayley. West Smithfield victualler - May 14. Fuord Lenhatn, Kent. seed-merchant -May 14, Coucliman. Edsvardes Street. Kensington. carpenter-May 15. Teesdale. Westminster Bridge Road. furuishiug-warebousemau-May 18. Jacks n. 1.eeds, cluth-merchard- Mav 15. Osborne. Truro. grocer-May 16, Rhoades. Maucheater, spirit-dealer--May
Liverpool, hosier. To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or beAre May 14. Fisher. Selby, lineudraper- Reesby, Stamford. Lincolnshire, miller-Thompson, Strood. draper - Brown, Sundeatud. butcher-Trapp. Church Street, South. ark, tallow chandler - Dyke. Rumsey. innkeeper - Toulsou. Wesuniuster Bridge Road, furnishing war ehouseman-T. P. Trapp, Church Su eet. Southwark. tall°. -chandler - York, &any Stratford, banker-Bohm. King William Stree, Strand. bookseller.
Mackenzie. King's Arms Yard. merchant; third div. of 9s. 5d any Wednesday; Mr. Whitmore. Basin:shall Street-Blundea Alton, Hampshire plumber; first die. of 4s. 6d. on April 14, and two following Wednesdays; Mr. Turcniaud, Old Jewry - Bishop. St. Mary Axe. merchant ; first div. of Is. on April 24, and two followiug Wednesdays: Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Fernandez. Wakefield, mercliaut ; second div. of 2s. 6d. on April 21. or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds.
BELL J., Dalreoch. Perthshire. innkeeper. April 26. May 17.
BLACK, G.. Kilmarnock grain-merchant. April 29, May 17.
Fame. W.. Ghtsgow. provision-merchant. April 30, May 21. Buss. G.. Kilmarnock. calico printer. April 30. May 25. Scam, J. G.. Glasgow, and Powsna. and Co., Manchester, mousseline de laMes printers. April 29, May 20.
Friday, April 26.
Sherwood and Co. To ley Street. rittornies. ; as far as regards T. E. Sherwood-lm- proved Portab'e Bath Company, Old Cavendish Street-Laurie and Co. Cheap-Me, merchants: as far as regards J. Laurie-Hamilton and Co. Cheapsitle, lace minutiae. tura' s ; as far as regards J. Laurie--Lomax and Cheswerth, Hanley. Staffordshire, china-manufacturers-J. and W. Andrew. larudon. merchants-Iliad and Broau. Mau- cheater. printers-Tunnaine and Laden. Canterbury. porter-merchants-W. and T. Ste- venom, Leteester, linendmpers-T.aud N. England, Leeds, enru-factors -Vint and Co. Bien pwearmouth, paper-makers; as fur as regarilsr R. aud J. Viut-Taylor and Blam- ford, Lindley. Yorkshire, porter-brewers-J. aud R. Rice, Nottingham, lacernen-H111 and Co. Manchester. calico-printere-Williams nut Co. Chester. bunkers ; as far as regards G. B. Grativillss-Blyth and Co. Kingetoumpoolaull, commission-merchauls- E. G. and T. Flight. Bridport, attornies-atasedon and Pearson. Middlesbrough York- shire, butchers- Wedlake and Luxton. Key nsliam, Somersetshire, machine- makers- Tulk and Co. Seaton, Cumberland, ironmasters ; solar as segards H. II. Hart-Lunn and Swift. Staveley, Derbyshire, drapers-Davies and Simpson, Ash, Surrey, surgeons -Cash and Brown, Luutli. carriers.
Robinson. Great Neston publcan -Shaw, Manchester. out of business-Bagnall, Bishophade Street Without, watchmaker-Bracher, New Sarum. scboolmaster-Fother- gill. Pontefract. attorney-Dennis, Nottingham, joiuer-Standen, Salford. block pitcher to a caiico-priuter-Pagden. Loather Road. out of business- 13erdamiu. Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, dairyman-Carreer. Sheffield. edge tool grit, der -Saff hill, Gould's Green, Hillingdon. farmer-Prebble, Stroud, tallow-chandler-Hellerstedt, Lambeth Read- Swann, Great 'Yarmouth. fish merchaut-Banliram, Raven Row, Mile End, livery- stable-keeper-Luckett, Adam Street West. Bryanstoue Square, coffeehonae.keeper- Thompsen, Spaldiugtou. Yorkshire, out of business- Gerrett, Cock Lane. Shurediich, victualler-Curran. Liverpool, stevedore - Trounsell, King's Kerswell, Devonshire, Lieutenant R. N.-J efferiss, East Street, Walworth, butcher-Bunny, Walton. Lan- cashire tailor-Ct rahill, Coleman Street. coffeehouse-keeper-Hamm, Bedford Street, Tottenham Court Road, carpeuter--Ellerton, Eynesford. Kent, horse dealer-Baker, Lawrence Lane, out of business.
Asnwnr, WILLIAM, Birmingham, steel-pen-maker, to surrender May 15, June 7: solicitor, Mr. Rawlins, Birmingham; official assiguee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. BACHE, SHARRINOTON. Milford Cottages, Peckham, builder, May 3, June 7: solici- tors. Messrs Buchanan and Grainger. Bastughail Street ; official aasignee, Mr. Pen- nell, Basiughall Street. BARI, THOMAS. Chorlton npon-Medlock. brewer, May 17, June 4: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple ; and Mr. Deardeu, Manchester ; official assiguee. Mr. Fra- ser. Manchester. BLAKE. BENJAMIN, WILLIAM, City Road, merchant, May 7, Tune 7: solicitors, Messrs Hill and Matthews, Bury Court, St. Mary Axe ; official assignee, Mr. Tar- Trend. Old Jewry Chambers. HAIGH. HENRY. Ratcliff Highway, engineer. May 9, June 7: solicitor, Mr. Watts, Bermundses Street; official assignee. Mr. Graham. Coleman Street. HARRIS, Soarer, Liverpool, huteLkeeper, May 9, June 7 solicitors. Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buildings ; and Mr. Norris, Liverpool ; official assignee. Mr. Blur- grin, Liverpool. NEW111.411. ROBERT DAWSON, Leeds, corn-factor, May 8. 31: solicitors, Messrs. Smith- son and Co. Southampton Buildings ; and Messrs. Dunning and Co. Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Young. Leeds, PARK, GEORGE. Stepney. cuwkeeper, May 2, June solicitors, Mr. Holden, Chan- cery Lane ; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore, Basiughall Street. SIMPsON, JOHN junior, and TaFT.WIL1.1451, Wakefield. alkali-manufacturers. May 11, June 1 : solicit, en. Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bertferd Row ; aud Messrs. Taylor and Westmoreland, Wakefield; official assignee. Mr. Hope. Leeds. RollEy, JOHN Wsraaue, Upper John Street, Fitzroy Square, builder. May 7, June 12 , solicitors, Messrs. Walton and Ferbes, Wandurd Court, Thro„rnorton Street ; official asaignee. Mr. Julinsun, Basingliall Street. Ruosas. WATKIN. Newport. Moumuntlishire, draper, May 10, June 7 : solicitors, Messrs. Bevan, Bristol; Messrs. Bennett, Manchester : official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol. DIVIDENDS.
May 17, Tindall, Hastings, linendraper-May 18, J. B. and W. Robinson. Maccles- field, iroumongers-May 18, Vas:neer, Rochdale, wuol-merchaut-May 21, R. a al J. Campion, Whuby. bankers- May 7, Murray and Brown. Liverpool, millwrigles-May 17. T. and A. Templeton, Congleiou. silk-mauufacturers-May 20. Pringle, M.,reeth, carrier-May 30, Scarth, Bishop Wearmouth, miller-May 22, Smith, Worcester, money-scrivener.
To be granted, unless cause be slwwn to the contrary, on the day of meang.
May 17, Blake. Edgware Road, Irnendraper-May 17, Wood. 'Fleet Street, book- seller- May IS. Maryun. Chiga ell, blackamph-May 17. Heathorn. Alschurch Lau:. ship-owner-May IS, Haunted, Brompton, builder-May 17, Brewer, Liverpool, pavier -May IS, Ala p Manchester, grocer.
:le be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or beftwe May17 .
J. and W. Judd, Romsey, Hemp-hire, mealmen-Barry, Liverpool. shipowner- Giles. Bow, omnibus-proprietor--Nuttall, Rochdale, pork-butcher-White, Lamb's Caudu:t ztreet, chemist.
Dargue. Whitehaven, inukeerer ; first and final div. of 9s. on April 27, or any subse- quent Saturday; Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upuu-Tyue-Walker. Neweast e-upou-TYnes ship-broker first die, of 3s. 9d. (on slew proofs), on April 27, or any subsequent Sal. tuntay ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Jordan, Hai-time. Northumberland, inn- keeper; first and final div.of 6). 51d. ou April 27. sir any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon-Tyue--Bourne, Wolsingham, Durham, scrivener; first div. of is 6d. on April 27, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon•Tyue. -Fretwell. Leeds. colonial merchant; first div. of 4s. 3d. any Tuesday; Mr. Hope, Leeds-G. and W. Boyd. Kingston-upon Hull millwrights; first and final div. of Ils. any Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds-Nicholson. Liverpool, hatter; first div. of 8s. on April 29, or any subsequeut Moullay; Mr. Turner, Liverpool-Jones. Birkenhead. plumber ; first div. of 5s. 6d. on April 29. or any subsequent Monday; Mr Turner, Liverp..ol- Ferris and Co. Liverpool, merchants; seconodiv. of 7d. un April 27, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
Baum R.. Dense. tailor. May 2, 28.
REID. R. L , Edinburgh, grocer. May 3.24. SHARP G., Newbiggiu. near Musselliurgh, baker, May 2,23.
SMITH. P.. Glasgow., May 1, 22, WARRACH, Dr. J.. Aberdeen. May 2, 23.