Nzw Enrnows.—Cassell's Popular Educator. Vol. I. (Cassell and Co.)—This is
a new edition, thoroughly revised, to such an extent indeed as to make it, in the views of the conductors, a new book, of a work that has done good service. Possibly the term " educator " may be objected to as too ambitious. The scope of the book is to supply aid to self-teaching ; and teaching is not exactly the same as educating. But the series will be undoubtedly useful to a large class.—The Science of Beauty. By Avery W. Holmes-Forbes, M.A. (Tritbner and Co.)—The Law Relating to Public Libraries and Museums. By George F. Chambers. (Stevens and Sons.)—Gray, by Edmund Gosse (Macmillan), in the cheap edition of " English Men of Letters."