27 APRIL 1889, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE telephone makes of Brussels a mere suburb of Paris, communication being instantaneous, and nobody, not even the clerks, hearing what messages are sent. The French......

In Another Speech, Lord Salisbury Compared The...

Government in getting its votes and measures through the House of Commons in the face of the Irish obstructionists, to what they would be in case it were their duty to put down......

Lord Salisbury Made Several Effective Speeches At Bristol...

In one of them he insisted that if separate race and geographical position is to entitle to a separate Parliament and Administration, Cornwall would be at least as well entitled......

The Populace Of Vienna, Usually Quiet Enough, Has Been...

this week in a serious way. The popular mode of locomotion in Vienna, where the citizens go great distances to enjoy fresh air and shade, is by tramcar ; and the Tramcar......

No Man Is Great In London, And We Do Not

fancy that there is the least danger of the English people either taking up General Boulanger, or behaving rudely to him. He is not liked by the masses, who have a notion that......

In A Third Speech, Lord Salisbury Laid Down With Great

firmness the resolve of the Government not to grant to Ireland, under the shape of a Local Government measure, any powers that would give the Irish people a new " leverage " for......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
