The astounding proposal of the Edinburgh Town Council to confer
the freedom of the city on Mr. Parnell while the character of his political conduct during the last ten years is still under the investigation of a Judicial Commission, is ex- citing vehement resistance in Edinburgh, though a majority of the Council (24 against 13) have voted for it, the Lord Provost and a minority resisting it. Meetings are being held in rapid succession to oppose this resolution, and to insist on the fact that the freedom of the city has never been conferred for mere party services, and that to treat Mr. Parnell as an eminent public servant, apart from party, while his loyalty towards the State is still sub judice, is a proposal of the most startling kind. In fact, no more injudicious course could have been taken by Mr. Parnell's friends, than to propose such an honour at such a time. It is almost an act of contempt towards the Commission.